Chapter 1

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Book was by Caylislover,

Sakura shivered. It was cold in her cell. She didn't knew how long ago the shark-looking man had kidnapped her. He must've knocked her out.

The girls head pounded from pain. Also, most of her fingers were broken by the look of it. They stood out in a strange angle. Her wrist were bounded to her feet. Every bone in the girls body hurt from laying on the ground for so long. She didn't wanted to know why they took her. 'Kakashi-sensei, Naruto... Sasuke-kun...' Sakura thought.

She looked around a little, although her vision still wasn't sharp. She had lost a great amount of blood. It seemed a small room made from white stone. There were no windows, only a wooden door. Sakura sighed, then wished she hadn't. It hurt to much.

She closed her eyes, trying to think she was home again. Of course, she couldn't. It was just so cold... 'If I could get me some chakra...'Sakura thought desperately. She tried to focus her chakra to her hands, but she was too weak. It pained her. She passed out.

- - - - - -

Slowly, she came by again. Sakura blinked a couple of times with her eyes to sharpen her sight. Then, she saw someone standing in the door opening.

She gasped, then grunted of pain. Hasty she tried to move away from the door, but it didn't work. She only pained herself more.
The person was wearing a long, black with red cloak. Sakura couldn't see his face clearly, but in a way, she also didn't wanted to. His hair was black though, and half of his face hid behind the collar of his cloak.

He started to walk towards her. Sakura closed her eyes again. She just wished he killed her without any pain, quickly, so she was free. But she didn't felt death take her. Nothing happened.

Very, very slowly, she opened her eyes again. She looked up a little, trying not to hurt herself. Two deep red eyes were staring to her. She recognised them as Sharingan. Sasuke-kun? Shot through her head. But the eyes were different. They looked upon her emotionless, but hard at the same time. "S-..." Sakura tried to speak. The man kneeled down next to her. She could now see his face more clear. His black hair was long, and tied back in an ponytail. He really reminded her of Sasuke. But this wasn't him. And there were only three person from whom she knew they had Sharingan. Sasuke, Kakashi and...

"I-.. Ita-..." Sakura tried. "I guess you know my name." He said, with a dark and low voice. "Uchiha Itachi. And you are Haruno Sakura." Sakura only nodded slightly. She didn't wanted to talk anymore. She was afraid, terrified, and in pain.

Itachi raised his hand and touched her cheek. Immediately more pain shot through her cheek from where he touched her. She let out a cry of pain. He pulled his hand back. She could see his nails were painted purple. Sakura wondered why.

"Kisame didn't really treat you well." Itachi said. Sakura shivered when hearing his low voice. "You don't have the chakra and strength to heal yourself." Sakura didn't even thought about that yet. 'Just give me an other room, just give me an other room, just give me an other room...'

Itachi stood up. "I'll come back tomorrow to check you." He left with those words.

Sakura didn't knew what to do. She felt like crying, but that probably would only hurt her more. She couldn't move, but she couldn't lay still like this as well. Her head ache became more painful and pounded more. Then, she passed out.

- - - - - -

"Oy, kunoichi. Wake up." Someone punched Sakura hard in her side. She clapped from pain. The person laughed. Sakura knew it wasn't Itachi. Then it had to be Kisame, the shark man. And so he was.

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