Chapter 28

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Sasuke and Sakura slowly walked through the forest. Sakura still didn't know where they were going, but had an idea, which frightened her more than anything.

They had walked the whole day and evening was coming already. Their last stop had been ten minutes ago, when Sakura had begged for a short stop.

When she felt two very familiar chakra's edging closer, Sakura knew it was true. One of the chakras was big and strong.

"Sasuke-kun..." Sakura muttered. Sasuke stopped and looked at her. "Today, you are going to try to fulfil your life goal, aren't you?" She looked at the ground. "You're going to fight your brother, right?"


"... Yes."

Sakura was stunned, although she knew the answer already.

"Why are you bringing me along?" She asked, wide-eyed. Before she got kidnapped, she had thought it was the biggest honour if Sasuke'd bring her to his final battle about his clan.

Now she'd rather die.

"Because I need you next to me." Sasuke said.

Another honour for twelve-year-old Sakura. Another moment of dying for sixteen-year-old Sakura.

Two people dressed in black cloaks with red clouds and with straw hats, came out of the trees. Sakura recognised Itachi, by his way of standing, his black strands that were only just visible between the hat and his neckband, and his chakra. She expected the person next to him to wear the Samehada on his back, but he wasn't. Instead, he had long, blond hair hanging around his shoulders.

'Deidara-san? Together with Itachi? ... Oh, I want to die...' Inner Sakura grunted depressed.

"Uchiha Itachi." Sasuke's voice was filled with anger. "Show me your face."

First, no one moved. Sasuke clenched his fists.

Slowly Itachi took of his hat and tossed it aside, his Sharingan meeting Sasuke's. Deidara took off his hat as well and looked at Sakura. She looked back, terrified.

"Why did you bring her, yeah?" Deidara asked Sasuke. He broke eye contact with Itachi to glare at Deidara.

"None of your business, Akatsuki." He spat. Deidara raised his eyebrows. Sasuke turned back to Itachi.

"Let's finish this for once and for all."

Itachi nodded and unbuttoned his cloak, which he threw after his hat. He wore baggy black pants and a mess shirt, with the neckpiece shaped as a large V, filled up with fishnet material.

Sasuke had trained even more since the last time they had met. He took a kunai as Deidara took distance. Sakura decided to stand back as well, next to Deidara.

Sasuke dashed towards at Itachi and all Sakura and Deidara still could see was a black and blue blur, and the sparks of metal crashing into each other. After a while they started to use Jutsus. Sasuke mostly. He used his Katon Jutsu at Itachi, who dodged those, and a while later Itachi used one of the same Jutsus, only stronger, and burned Sasuke's right hand.

It went on for a very long time. They both had cuts and bruises everywhere – and Sasuke had his burned hand.

"You've gotten stronger." Said Itachi. He didn't pant, but his breathing was heavier. Sasuke did pant, and he wiped some sweat from his forehead.

"I'll show you my newest technique, Nii-san." He said, putting the sarcasm in 'Nii-san', and a smirk played on his lips. He formed his hand seals.

"Chidori." He said as the blue orb of lightning came in his hand. "Only bigger, shaper, more flexible, and far more deadlier. And," his smirk grew. "I can throw it."

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