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"Baby help" Kevin slurs grabbing at my arm and I catch him from falling down the large hill leading to our seats, well more like area of grass we claimed as ours. He falls into my lawnchair spilling some beer on his shirt causing him to frown and cuss under his breath. "Kevin it hasn't even started yet" I say sitting between his legs and leaning my head back into his lap. He was right it is super hot but that's ok because LUKE BRYAN. "What?" "Nevermind" I shake my head and sigh taking his drink and setting it down next to me. "Hey I was drinking that!" "Ya drinking that sixth one babe you can take a break from drinking" "Ok" I feel his hands in my hair and he twists it between his fingers bobbing his head to the music they have playing.

"Can we walk around a bit?" I ask looking up at Kevin from my spot. "Ya" he quickly gets up before stumbling and falling back into the chair. "Babe hold onto me" I laugh and hold his arm around my shoulder helping him down the hill and through the large crowds. "Sam I gotta pee" he whines and glances around looking for a bthroom. "Ok this way" I guide him through even more people before I have to let him go and he stumbles into the bathroom. "Hey pretty girl" some guy says to me while I wait for Kevin. "Um hi" I mutter before Kevin appears again and the guy gets a worried look on his face. "You trying to touch my girl?!" Kevin's face heats up, his fists closing, as he approaches this guy. "Not touch..yet" "Yet?!?!" "Ya bro chill" "DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HER" Kevin screams in his face before backing into my arms. "Calm down babe it's ok" I whisper in his ear and he opens his fists to take my hands and hold them with his behind his back. "Just walk away it's fine everythings ok" I keep reassuring him as I help him back to our spot and he sits and pulls me onto his lap. "I'm sorry I over reacted" he mumbles into my neck. "It's fine you won't even remember tomorrow" giggling I pull up his face lightly kissing his lips before his head falls back into my neck.

By this point the opening acts had finished and we were waiting for Luke to come on for his performance. "Baby you have to dance with me" Kevin says hugging my waist from behind. "I will don't worry" The smell of alcohol was starting to get to me but I ignored it as his head rested on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep for a few minutes. I turn in his arms so I'm facing him and put our forheads together. "Please don't drink anymore" I whisper and he nods apologizing and pulling me closer to him. "Just love me" "Later babe I want to watch the concert" he groans and tries to kiss my neck knowing it's my weakness. "Kevin no!" I pull away giggling before we both seperate and turn towards the stage just as the band is walking out.

"Babe this way" I giggle and pull Kevin towards the car. "But that ways home" he slurs and tries to pull me that way, which works with his strength. "Kevin seriously!" I laugh and try to get away as he pulls me into his chest and lifts me off the ground. He's the weirdest person drunk, he could beat anyones ass but with me he can't keep his hands off and I won't lie, I love it. "Home is this way I'm tired" he whines and pouts. "I know Kev but we aren't walking the car is this way" pointing with one hand I lace my other around his waist and I'm able to guide him back to the car. We aren't even out of the parking lot before Kevin is asleep in the seat beside me so I turn up the radio, something I couldn't do before because "his head hurt". I finally get us home after an hour long drive becomes 2 hours due to traffic. "Kevin babe wake up" I lean by his head and runs my hands through his hair. "Hmm?" he groans and curls his legs up to his chest. "We are home" I whisper and he slowly moves and sits up. I help him to my room where he immediatley falls into bed and is asleep in seconds. "You're too cute" I change into one of his shirts then look at him, still dressed in jeans and a nice flannel. Ugh damnit. I contemplate really doing it before taking off his flannel and jeans leaving him just in his boxers. Mmm shit. "Goodnight Kev" I lay to the side of him and I'm almost asleep when his arms wrap around me and I'm pulled into his chest. "Goodnight Sam" he buries his face in the back of my neck and we are both quickly asleep again.

season. ending. cant. breathe. FUCK LIFE, LIFE WITHOUT BASEBALL IS MISERABLE

138 days till fanfest
148 days till spring training
182 days till opening day
212 days till dodgers come
257 days till giants come
315 days till Wil comes

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