Chapter 4: he was right...dang it..

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                     (Ben POV)
It's been about two days since (Y/n) joined the far everyone loves her, she kind and always up to play with sally. She loves cheesecake.
  She enjoys reading with Slenderman.
She wrestles with Jeff. And actually played surgery with E.J and Doctor Smiley...
  The only one that didn't enjoyed her presence was me...
  "Aw come on you got me again?" Glitchy Red chuckled. "Hehe I'm just too skilled for you Red." She smirked.
  They were playing my dare least they cleaned up afterwards...

Later at dinner, (y/n) sat across from me, she didn't make direct eye contact with me, I've asked her not too.
  She looked like she was about to glance at me but she caught herself. I took a bite of slendermans AWESOME meatloaf.
Yea that's right keep those beautiful eyes on your side...wait...what?
  "Yo Benny hand me the pepper will ya?" Jeff asks me, "sure" I grabbed the pepper and slid it across the table with Jeff catching it perfectly.
  Everyone else chatted among themselves.
  (Y/n) spoke with Sally playfully, sharing stories and junk.
  Her voice was soft but firm, gentle but strong. Humble but confident.
  Wait...why ami paying so much attention to her...stop think about her will ya?
  I continued eating, (y/n) excused herself from the table getting of soundlessly.
   She walked off with rhythm and sleek footsteps.
  Wait what my in the world are you watching her walk?BEN SNAP OUT OUT IT!!!
  "Hey Ben?" I looked to see Jeff smirking at me, he must have saw me watch (y/n) leave.
Jeff made a kissing motion toward where (y/n) left.
  "Stop it.." I muttered, when (Y/n) returned she sat down and ate in silence.

The next day I woke up and completely forgot about (y/n) until I saw her walk out the bathroom, her hair in a nice hairstyle.
  She looked nice too, I mean she didn't dress fancy anything it was casual but a nice casual.
  "Hey " I greeted walking toward her.
  She stopped and looked shocked before looking behind her and back to me.
  Ben what are you doing? Why are you talking to her?
"Um..hi..I think.." She greeted uneasily, making me chuckle.
"Yes hey to you.." I smiled, WALK AWAY!!!!
"Oh well hi then.." She greeted more confident this time.
  "Where you going?" I asked her.
"Oh I was just going for a walk." She smiled brightly.
Whoa...look at that smile...
"Really?" I asked her.
"Yea it's really nice out d-do you wanna come?" She asked hesitantly .
PFFFT no....maybe..YES!!!!
"Sure I could use the air.." I smiled back.
What did I just get myself into? WHATS HAPPENING WHY DID I JUST SAY YES??????I'm losing my mind... Maybe Jeff was right...maybe I do like her.....or worse...what if I love her? Oh no...

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