Chapter 7: First kill and a party

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(Your POV)

I sat on my bed in my room going through some paper files Slenderman gave me...
They were mission files, or targets, I flipped through each one, knowing each face, location, age ect.
Focusing so hard I barely heard the knock at my door.
"Come in!" I called not taking my eyes from the files.
A Familiar voice was heard.
"Hey (y/n)" the voice greeted, I looked up to see Benjamin, he looked nervous.
"Hey" I greeted with a smile, "did you pick a target yet?" He asked approaching me.
"Um no not's kind of difficult...I mean this is going to be my first kill and I'm extremely nervous." I need with a uneasy chuckle, Ben chuckled along setting next to me on my bed.
"Well for starters I think you should go for the youngest in the pile, the youngest are the weakest." He suggested flipping through the files to a young a girl named Macy with red like hair and freckles, she was 7 years of age.
I swallowed hard, she looked innocent why do we kill the innocent?
"Hey if it makes you feel any better, if there was a Santa Claus she would be on the naughty list...she's stole from her parent multiple times and abuses her baby brother..," Ben looked at me.
All I could do was nod, "yea...lets do it." I didn't do anything and already my palms were sweaty.
" have you had training from Slenderman yet" Ben asked, "yea I Slenderman gave me (Y/W) based on my fighting style." I smiled at him.
"alright! Someone's moving up." he playfully nudged me on the shoulder making me smile.
"Come on we better get going if we're going to make it back later tonight." He smiled getting up from my bed.
I returned the smile placing my files except for the file of Macy on my nightstand and grabbing my (Y/W) before heading out with Ben to Slendermna office.

                   (Ben's POV)

Slenderman waited for us at his desk flipping through paper work. "Are you two ready?" Slenderman asked not even looking up.
  "Yea we're ready." I responded as (Y/n) walked up next to me.
  "Your target? He asked looking up at (Y/n), (y/n) stepped forward with Macy's File and placing it on Slendermans desk.
  "Very well then...once you exited the door you will be immediately transported within two blocks from your targets location..." Slenderman informed before resuming his paper work.
   (Y/n) smiled at me before racing toward down the steps toward the front door.
  "Ha! I thought you were nervous!" I called to her.
  "I'm am! It's just I'm excited as well!" She called back making me chuckle.
  (Y/n) open the door and walked through it, almost like she stepped into a pool, the space where she walked through left ripples.
  I followed and instantly my environment changed.  We we were in a quiet neighborhood. Only the sound of  the wind blowing through the trees was heard and maybe the distance call of an owl.
  (Y/n)'s breathing was aggressive I could tell she was fully alert now.
    To my surprise there was a telephone pole right next to us, I looked at it and back at (y/n) before she could make a step I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the electric current of the Telephone pole.
  Almost instantly we soundlessly appeared out of a Tv into a dark room barely let by a nightlight.
    Toys laid here and there but that didn't stop (Y/n) obviously she had a lot of training with this kind of environment.
   She stealthily made her way to Macy's bed and snuck a glance at her.
  Suddenly the sound of someone in the hallway caught my arteries and by instinct I hopped right bac into the Tv.
  Through the blacked screen I could see (Y/n) thankfully the bed was high enough so she could get under it.
Looking toward the Door and slightly tall man stood there.
Must be her dad checking in on her..
As quick as he came the tall man walked back down the hallway
And down some stairs.
  Knowing the coast was clear I hopped out of the Tv and immediately and soundlessly closed the door.
    (Y/n) shifted from under the bed but slightly made a small rustle.
  Macy turned slightly in her bed but didn't wake up.
  (Y/n) stood up and looked at Macy for a moment even though it was dark I could tell she was thinking of what she should do.
  I walked up next to her avoiding the toys.
  "Might wanna start with muffling her screams." I whispered to her.
  (Y/n) nodded  instantly covered Macy's mouth causing her to wake up automatically and start thrashing.
   Macy tried desperately get scream get (y/n) to let go but nothing worked.
  "(Your motto)" was the only thing (Y/n) said before quickly ending Macy's life effortlessly, Pools of blood soaked Macy's blankets. 
   "Well that was easy" she whispered or so she thought, I didn't hear anyone come up the stairs but suddenly two angry parents barged in one had a shot gun and other had a bat.
   Out of instinct I changed my clothes to a green beanie, a green hoodie with a brown symbol on it and my eyes to a icy blue.
  I grabbed (y/n) hand and opened the window that lead to our escape. We climbed onto room and raced back to the existing portal to the mansion.
  "(Y/n) did you leave your weapon behind?" I asked her not looking back.
"No!" She called as we jumped to the next rooftop.
   Suddenly Gunshots were heard but I didn't look back I kept running until we made it to the area were the portal was.
Without being seen we jumped into the portal and instantly appeared back at the mansion.
  I looked back at (y/n) she held her shoulder, "I- I thought I was immortal.." She digged two finger in her wound and pulled out the bullet.
   "So did I" I responded.
  (Y/n) dropped the bullet on the floor and instantly (y/n)s wound healed as if nothing happened.
  "Nevermind" she smirked, we both were about to make our way back to Slenderman office to report of a completed Mission when all of a sudden there was loud cheering and balloons everywhere with a banner that read: " GREAT JOB FIRST KILL (y/n)"
I chuckled at the memories of my first kill it made me feel good and like I was apart of something new.
  (Y/n) squealed with excitement and before I could finish my motto we were having a dance party.
  Jeff was laughing and doing stupid stuff in the living room with Toby, L.J And E.j.
Others played party games, feeling my throat get slightly dry I made my way to the kitchen only to stop dead in my tracks to see (y/n) outside staring at the moon.
  I quickly grabbed a drink and walked outside.
This is my chance
"Hey (y/n) what you doing out here the party is inside." (Y/n) smiled at me, "hey...just need some fresh air.." She responded looking back at the moon.
  "Yea I know that feeling.." I joked,
(Y/n) chuckled slightly not taking her eyes off the moon. There was a small
Silence as I processed how I was going to tell her but she broke it.
  "Have you wondered where the others go...." She asked staring at the moon but letting her eyes meet mine.
  "What do you mean?" I responded easing an eyebrow.
  "You know the dead....where do they go if no one is there to give you a second chance..." She replied.
" don't know.....heaven I guess..." I shrugged standing next to her shoulder to shoulder.
  She looked down as if tears were building, " Heaven huh....then how come I didn't seem them when I died?" She asked not taking her eyes off the ground.
   I couldn't answer it was such an odd question but maybe she was right...I don't remember going to heaven when I died...
  "Did I make to many mistakes?" She looked back up at me her eyes filled with the reflection of the moon.
   I thought for a second " I don't think anyone can make too many mistakes (y/n) you said Error is human.." I replied smiling uneasily. "But what about them.." She nodded toward the mansion.
  I gave her little look, "um I don't think you've noticed but not everything in there is human.....or alive.."I said in a funny voice making (y/n) giggle..."eh I guess your right...." She chuckled looking back at the moon.
The was a another moment of silence before I finally got the guts to break it myself.
  "So I was wondering like.." I cleared my throat feeling my soda get really heavy with (Y/n)'s glance locked on to me.
  " ..for just a little mini you wanna...I don't know go to Laser Tag Tomorrow?" I asked clearing my throat again waiting for (y/n)'s response.
  (Y/n)'s eyes smiled from her cheeks "yea that be pretty cool...sure."
   I felt my face get a little warm, "cool cool.." I responded looking at the moon making (y/n) chuckle... "What?" I smiled at her..."nothing..your just too adorable.." She shook her head slightly grinning at the moon.
   "Adorable? I'm not adorable I'm the fiercest pasta here, what you talking about." I grinned at her acting like I'm all that. "Oh really?" She asked smirking. "Yea I'm a complete Boss." I couldn't help but chuckle.
  "Your a boss huh? Well your just gonna have to show me at laser Tag tomorrow Mr. Boss." She chuckled playfully nudging me.  "Nuh uh did you just nudge me, I don't think so gurl you gonna get it now!" I smirked trying to mimic an annoying girl voice before almost tackling her and tickling.
  "No! Stop it!" (Y/n) roared with laughter trying to get me to stop. "Never!" I growled playfully still tickling her.
  Suddenly the door opened and immediately I stopped to see Jeff smiling stupidly.
   " give you two some privacy."was all he said before going  back inside.
  (Y/n) and I looked at each other before laughing our butts off.

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