Chapter 8: A gamers way of saying it....

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(Your POV)
The next day I woke up with a huge smile on my face I immediately got up and grabbed some fresh clothes about to go take a shower.
Already to make a dash for the bathroom before anyone got to it I opened the door to see a red tomato elf about to knock.
"Oh hey! Your up..." He cleared his throat looking at his feet.
"Yup! About to go take a shower..what's up Mr.Boss?" I chuckled, Ben looked up with surprise before chuckling. "Um well..I was kind of wondering if you know..if you wanted to go get some breakfast this morning.." He choked like he was afraid I was going to say no..
"SURE! I could use some breakfast.." I smiled,
"Oh! Great! I" He cleared his throat again making me chuckle.
After I took my shower and put on fresh clothes I ran down stairs to Ben horsing around with Jeff...
Goofballs I thought to myself before walking off into the kitchen to get a quick drink.

"See I told you, you like her." Jeff whispered to me so (Y/n) wouldn't hear as we pretended to horse around.
"Shut up! I just thought I'd be nice just to make up for being a jerk to her.." I scoffed pushing him and jumping on his back.
"Uh bed.." He snickered.
I punched him in the shoulder, "stop being a douche." I whispered tugging on his hoodie.
Jeff flipped me off his back and made me land on mine pinning me down.
"Dude you already asked her to breakfast which she said yes to and laser tag! Just ask her at Laster tag if you win which I know you will because your a glitch." He whispered to me.
"It's not like that!" I whispered to myself feeling my face get warm.
"Stop denying it! You know you do, if you didn't you've wouldn't have even asked her to laser tag.." Jeff took my hat and ran off.
"Hey!" I yelled and ran after him.
  Jeff ran into his room with me close behind before throwing my hat to me.
  "Dude just stop denying it already..." Jeff chuckled laying in his bed.  
  I sighed I placed my hat back on my head.
  "You know what.. yea your right ..I do..okay..geez.." I said feeling my face get warm.
"Hehehe" Jeff smiled, "Benny and (y/n) sitting a tree-"
  "Real mature Jeff."
"You didn't let me finish....F-U-C-K-I-N-G!"
    That made me punch him HARD.
"Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder with a smirk.
   "Don't you have to ask out Jane or something...."
   "Ew no."
"Oh I'm sorry I meant Clockwork." I smirked about to walk out.
   "if you say anything I'll punch your little face in."
     I snickered walking out.

  It was almost time for me to go get some breakfast with (y/n) so I changed to my human disguise of a beanie and green hoodie.
   I looked into the mirror and blinked to see my eyes changed to an icy blue.
  I smiled to notice my one blue earring..
Nah keep it..makes you look gooood.
I chuckled at myself and left my room.
  I slid on the Stair rail to the door to see (Y/n) messing with her hair.
   "Hey (y/n) ya ready?" I asked her.
  "Yup and you look different.." She narrowed her eyes at me,
  "Uuhhhhh."I smiled a
Little uneasily thinking she didn't notice the beanie and hoodie.
"You kept the earring this time...nice touch ." She grinned brightly.
  I felt my self get warm and fuzzy on the inside, she noticed the small details about

After taking (Y/n) to her favorite place to eat breakfast we strolled around Town for a little bit before finally going to Lazer Tag.

When we walked inside the building It was a perfectly dark so gamers could concentrate on the challenge in front of them.
    We walked up to the front register "uh...3 games please." I handed the guy some money who then asked us to make up a nickname.
    "Hmmm (nickname)" (y/n) choose with a smile.
   "Nice" I smiled at her, "uh"
   "Majora?" She smirked raising an eyebrow.
   "No! No way no how" I chuckled "eh master Glitch is fine." I shrugged the guy nodded and put our nicknames in the system.
    "Your game is starting in three minutes." He said before handing us our tickets.
   I nodded and followed (y/n) to a line in front of two large SI-FIdoors.
   "You excited Mr.Boss?" (Y/n) chuckled.
    "Yea excited for you to lose." I smirked.
  "Whatever." She laughed.
   The 3 minutes passed by quickly and we were immodestly guided into the gear up room.
    (Y/n) and I immediately got on different sides.
     I was on red since blue reminded me of water.
  (Y/n) stood right next to me with a proud look on her face.
   "This is going to be so much fun!" It may have been dark but I was able to see her eyes were full of excitement.
   The administrator went through safety guidelines and such but all I heard was BLAH BLEH BLAH.
  Rules don't apply to a glitch.   
   Finally the game started and (y/n) and I went and complete different directions searching for cover.
      I smirked and glitched to a different area ending up down the way from (y/n) her back was turned to me and she looked around Alert.
    Everything around me seemed to stop and focus on her.
    The upbeat battle music seemed to be slow dance type.
     All of a sudden (y/n) turned toward me with a smile and walked up to me.
  "Hey Benny."
I felt myself blush.
    She took my beanie and placed it on her head, she looked so adorable in it.
   Everything about her was amazing!
Man why can't we just ditch this whole thing and go somewhere a hotel room?!

  Suddenly I snapped back to reality to the sound of my "you got shot" alarm.
   "Your a bit slow for a glitch don't you think?!" (Y/n) smirked from her of original  position before running off.
   I smirked getting my head back in the game and put on my game face on.
    Each game lasted about 15 minutes and the results were actually shocking. 

(Nickname)   2673 points

Master Glitch. 2665 points

  I must have daydreamed to much AGAIN. And that was after the three games.
   "Ha! So much for Mr.Boss." (Y/n) chuckled walking out the arena all boss like.
   I followed her with a smile, I watched as she was congratulated by the other players.
  She was so happy I just wish I could keep it that way.
      I walked up to her feeling my self get warm.
  She turned toward me with a warm smile.
  "Hey your a tomato again what wrong?"
    I couldn't talk which made my face get even warmer. I had to tell that I walked up to her it was no or never.
   "I-I" I stuttered.
  "Yesssssssssss" (y/n) kept her smile on her face raising and eyebrow.
     All of sudden I ended up leaning in quickly and my lips press against hers.

All around us was just "Oooooooo" totally something Jeff would do if he was here.
   I couldn't and wouldn't let her say no but thank god she didn't, she kissed back.
    I literally felt my mini self faint from relief.
  I pulled back quickly looking at my feet, I've never felt so red before.
  "B-Ben I never thought you felt that way....I mean I heard rumors and stuff but-" she stopped and I finally got the guts to look her in (eye color) eyes.
   "Well the rumors you heard were true....." I rubbed the back of my neck.
   "And-.....I was wondering if you would be my g-girlfriend."
"Of course I would!" She smiled brightly. 
   "SERIOUSLY!!? I" I cleared my throat smiling.
    After that (y/n) and the other players laughed there asses off.
     That was possibly the best fricken date of my life.


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