~6th week~

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The week drags on and I have bittersweet emotions about this Saturday. Glad to see Mason as always but feeling very nervous about meeting his family later; even though we're just friends and that's pretty much it. I just have this unshakable feeling at the pit of my stomach, something is wrong...or something is going to happen. But maybe I'm just hallucinating.

I decide to skip the gym and stay in for today. Just as I snuggle deeper into the covers, Sienna peeps into my bedroom.
"Are you awake?" Her voice croaks from screaming/singing, she obviously had a great time last night.

"Uh-huh, come in" I say and she gets into my single on the other side.

"You're always up at this time, no gym?"

"I'm not feeling too well, thought I should stay in for a while. I'm surprised you're up at this time." I laugh

"Never underestimate me, I can go all wild and you'd never think it was me the next morning." We both laugh reminiscing about the beach party we went to last night. Four words: Good Music, Wine and Friends pretty much sums it up.

"I need your help, I have this friend and he invited me to have dinner with his family and I have no idea what to wear."

Sienna cocks her head up and looks at me suspiciously, "Which friend? Aaaah... is it that cute guy you told me you met at the gym the other day?"

"No man! The guy I told you that I met at the Bootlegger a few weeks ago."

"Ooh! Mystery Mr gorgeous eyes?" I then remember that I hadn't told her Mason's name yet.

"I think you should just be a bit casual because its Saturday, not a Sunday lunch and, of course most important, you're not his girlfriend yet." I cringe slightly 'cause she just crushed all forms of hope in me. But then again she's right, it's very unlikely that that may happen; I might as well get comfortable in the friendzone.

After long moments of my silence, Sienna says "Oh. You've got it bad for him don't you?"

Thank God for the melanin in my skin, if it wasn't for it my face would look like a lump of beetroot right now. I stay silent because I might say something I'll regret admitting.

Sienna bursts out in giggles and jumps out of the bed to dance around the room "Your silence says it all. Finally!! After what 5 months here with guys always approaching you and chatting you up; you actually fell for one! You know I was starting to think you were crazy not to date these fine Cape Town specimen!"

"You talk absolute crap Sienna. First of all talking to guys and 'chatting up' are two different things. Secondly I have my types and the guys that did 'chat me up' as you say were superficial, perverted and - "

"Didn't have green eyes?" Sienna cut in.

"I wasn't going to say that!" Oh no, my voice betrays me

"Oooh... you totally like him. Your voice just went so high!" she starts jumping around the room in a victory dance

"Fine. I do like the guy, now can you please help me get something to wear to impress." I humph out

"Impress who?"

"O Nkos' yami! Stop tormenting me!"

A/N: Nkos' yami means "my God" just so you know... ;) 

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