Chapter 10

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*Satvi Pov*

I can't do this anymore!

I seriously can't do this anymore! I thought, leaning on the wall, feeling like my hand just got amputated. I am not able to feel it at all after cutting just a part of the fence.

Slowly stepping away from the wall I left the bathroom along with this stupid knife. After locking the room carefully, I literally crawled onto the couch and fell on it.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it is already evening making my eyes go wide. I didn't have anything except breakfast from the morning.

And to top off that this madman is going to return soon. I need to get this knife back in its place.

I groaned, but got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. After that, I walked back near the couch. I think I am related to tortoise, by the way, I am walking right now.

Calmly covering my head with a scarf which I am doing from the time I decided to run away not to allow anyone see my scalp with tiny bits of hairs. I don't know when my hair will grow.

Generally, it is fast in my case, and I hope it didn't get changed. I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling the tiredness because of that stupid work kicking inside.

I woke up startled because I felt a forceful shaking. I looked up to only meet the cold eyes of my husband. He is even fisting his hands after removing them from my shoulder.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked him yawning.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked and the color drained from my face.

Did he find out about my rescue plan? I am so dead if he really knows about it. I chose to play it cool, so I immediately composed myself and gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked him frowning.

He eyed me for a few seconds and said, "You didn't cook dinner, and I just saw that you didn't even cook any lunch."

"So?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

He took a deep breath and asked, "What were you doing the whole day? Sleeping?"

"I watched TV?" I replied like a question.

"Look around and tell me from where did a TV suddenly appeared in this house?" he asked and now I can see anger in his eyes.

Oh no! I need to turn the topic. I calmly composed myself yet again and asked, "That's what I wanted to ask you. Who doesn't have such a type of gadget in a house?"

"I don't watch anything." He mumbled, and I couldn't help but feel surprised because I too don't watch at all. I watch movies in the theatres and then in the system and that too only good movies or favorite actors.

"So? It is an important gadget in any house, and you should buy one soon." I said coming out of my surprise.

"Don't try to change the topic here. Why you did not do any type of work in the house?" he asked again.

"I felt lazy, ok! Can you please leave the topic?" I asked him and again closed my eyes.

"No! It is not ok. You are not here to benefit from the stay. You have to work in this house." He said raising his voice.

"Enjoy? What is here to enjoy? I am sorry, but I don't know the language in which the walls talk and also no idea about the furniture way of enjoying." I said with gritted teeth adding the sarcasm.

"I don't care how you feel, but this is how your life is going to be, and you should do everything which I tell you. You can't sit idle here because I am not doing any charity." he shouted back, and I flinched back a little.

"Get up and cook some food for us." He added moving back himself to give me some space.

"No! Cook yourself or bring food from outside." I said folding my arms.

Suddenly, he moved near me and pulled me up holding my hands. I hissed because of the force on my hands and mainly on the hand, which is in a lot of pain right now.

"Go!" he ordered.

I started shaking my head in negative, but he again said, "I said, go!"

I rushed towards the kitchen feeling so much fear for his tone, and I really thought for a second that he would hurt me.

My eyes filled with tears at his behavior. I respect any helper more than what he is acting towards me. It's like I don't have any self-respect at all.

I can't cook even if I want to as my hand is really in a lot of pain. I took a deep breath and started preparing with my left hand.

I cooked normal dish and placed it on the table. I cleared my throat when I saw that he is sitting down on the couch.

He started eating the food calmly and after a few minutes, he calmly said, "Next time cook some good food and not this ready-made food."

"Look, can you please release me after a few months at least? By that time, I am sure you would have already got all the revenge you want by torturing me." I said ignoring his words.

"You told them now but don't talk about it again. This is your forever life so get used to it." He said back.

"Please!" I pleaded, feeling dread inside my heart.

"No! Now just shut up and let me have my food." he said and the tears which I immediately stopped in the kitchen flowed again when he walked away from the table.

He doesn't know that his words just made me more determined to run away from here. I decided and started walking towards our room, but stopped when I heard that he is on the phone.

"Like I said she will not leave from here. I forgot to say thanks for slipping the information regarding her run away from her house. If I was not waiting outside the house at that time, then I am sure she really must have run away." He said, and my eyes widened.

"Don't worry at all. Your marriage is safe, and she will not create any problems in it. But don't call me again to know regarding her. You are feeling relief right that by her staying with me, you need not to worry about your marriage then so be it and don't disturb me." He added, and I covered my mouth in fear of making any sound.

"I am letting this pass only because you helped me with the information." he said and I slowly leaned to see him rubbing his neck.

I composed myself after a few minutes and walked inside. I completely ignored his presence and lay down on the bed.

When he lay on the bed holding me as usual, I repeated his words in my mind. So he knew about my run away because someone gave him the information.

Nevertheless, I only told Leela and no one regarding that. He even said that the person thinks their marriage will have a problem if I don't live with him.

Is it her? Does she think I will just create some problems in her married life? I got so many questions in my mind.

No! I will not consider anything like that until I talk to her. With that decision, I drifted off into sleep.

Oh my god! I thought jumping up and down. I finally finished removing it and that too in just four days, including doing all the cooking. I sighed in relief because now no one can stop me at all.

I hope I can run away right now, but he will reach home soon. So I exited the room and locked it properly before walking inside the kitchen.

Tomorrow is Sunday so like he said he will not go to work, but the day-after tomorrow morning I will run away.

I grinned to myself before started preparing some sweet dish as a treat for my achievement.


hey guys!!! the updates will be even more slow until more than one month....

how is the chap guys??

comment plz and vote...

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