S01 Chapter 3: Secrets

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"I've never been rejected my entire life," I say, as I lie on the couch and Ben is on the other, sitting, and hopefully, listening.

"Never been rejected?" he repeats. "Didn't that lady soldier said no to you before?"

I cross my arms and look at him. "You have no idea what happened that night. And she was also my date at Reed and Sue's wedding."

"Oh. Right. Wait a minute, who's this smart lady that rejected you?" He softly chuckles.

I sigh. "Maddy." I smile as I think of her. "She didn't even recognize who I was. She mistook me from a hundred year old dude!"

"Well, Steve does look a lot like you."

"And Johnny, please," Sue says, as she walks out from the elevator to us. "Don't add her to your victims. It's obvious that she's not that kind of girl."

I look over her. "How can you tell?"

"The first one is pretty obvious; she rejected you by threatening you. Next, she dresses nice and appropriate unlike the girls you dated, who wears clothes that they belong to an exotic club. And lastly, she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent," Sue replies.

I sit up. "You know what? Maybe I'll just take a walk around the city."

"Since when did you walk around New York?" asks Ben.

I push down on the elevator button. "Since today." The doors open and I enter.

I know, it's an unsual thing for me to walk around the city. But maybe, it'll help me clear my mind off from being rejected.



Last night, which is the same day I came back, Fury gave me a two-day off so I can enjoy my time here in New York, because after this two-day off, I'll be an undercover agent like Natasha and undercover agents might take a while to get their off.

I sit on the edge of my bed, facing the window in my room in Stark Tower. Pepper had my room themed from blue to purple, since it's my favorite color. I look at the digital clock on the night table and it's already 1:04 p.m. I put on my shoes and walk out of my room to find either Steve or Bruce, since we're the only people in the Tower and Tony and Pepper are in Miami.

I don't want to spend my only two days of freedom by just sitting around my room. So, I decide to spend it with either both of them because they're two of my best friends.

And I can't keep my secret away from Steve.

"Jarvis?" I say, as I walk through the hall. "Where are either Steve or Bruce?"

"Dr. Banner is at the laboratory and Mr. Rogers is at the kitchen," answers Jarvis.

"Thanks, Jar," I reply, smiling.

I head to the elevator and push 8, where the lab is. Seconds later, the elevator dings and the doors open. I step out and walk around the lab full of tables with flasks, bottles with chemicals and heat lamps on top of them. I stop as I find Bruce at the table beside the wall, looking through the microscope. His hair is still in short black curls with a couple of white strands, like it was seven years ago. He still looks pretty much the same.


I clear my throat and he takes his eyes off the microscope to me.

"Yes, Maddy?" he asks, nicely.

I look around for a chair to sit on and I find bar stool by the table Bruce is sitting at.

"Would you like to go out of Stark Tower and circle around New York?" I ask.


"Well, Fury gave me two days off before I become an undercover agent. And I think I should spend those days with two of my best friends, you and Steve."

He crosses his arms. "Does Steve know about this yet?"

"Not yet." I pull my seat close to him. "Bruce, can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure, Maddy, anything for a friend," he asks, as if he is concerned, one thing I like about Bruce.

I sigh. "Okay. I've been in love with Steve for seven years."

He smiles.

I frown. "But..."

He frowns. "What's the problem?"

I cross my arms. "But I'm scared to tell him. I mean, I'm not afraid to be rejected. I'm just afraid that it might break our friendship."

He puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. "I'll be honest. I'm not really good at giving advice but I'll tell you that there's nothing about it that can ruin your friendship. I know Steve. He's not that kinda guy."

I look over him and he smiles brightly. "You think so?" I give out a small smile.

He nods. "Well, you better tell him we're leaving."

I smile widely. I hold out my fist for him to fist-pump. He pumps it weakly and I stand up from my seat. I walk towards the elevator and push down.

"Hey, Bruce!" I exclaim.

"Yeah?" he says.

"Thank you!" I shout with a grin.

I hear him chuckle softly. "No problem, kid. I'll be down in a few minutes."

I smile and enter the elevator. Then, I push 6.



Last night after the briefing, the Fantastic Four, Maddy and I became great friends, although, Johnny is a bit of a jerk. He kept on winking and smiling flirtatious at Maddy as Fury was talking, which I returned back with a couple of death glares, yet he didn't see me. After the briefing he kept on putting his arm on her shoulders and she kept on threatening him that she'll break all of the breakable parts in his body, which she could, just to take off his arm.

I know Maddy. She's very much like Peggy. She's not that kind of girl who is easy to get. Hell, she's not even into relationships. So, there goes my chance of asking her out and admitting what I really feel about her.

Good thing she doesn't like him for I don't like him for her either. I don't want Maddy to end up with a guy who will just play her. I mean, I could be hers and she could be mine but, I don't think she will like me as her boyfriend.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I stand up from my seat and head to the counter. I open the microwave and take out my lasagna. The container is very hot but it's bearable, well, for me. I take out a fork from the cabinet and head back to the table. I place my lasagna on the table and sit down.

I'm about to take my third bite when Maddy steps out of the elevator. She looks beautiful as always; her black hair down and flowing and her face is always in a smile. Our eyes meet and we share smiles. She walks towards me.

"Eaten yet?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Don't even mind that." She pulls a chair and sits across me. "Anyway, you know that Fury gave me a two-day off and it's today and tomorrow." I nod. "I was planning that maybe I can spend them with you and Bruce."

I swallow the food in my mouth. "Okay. When are we leaving?"

"In a couple of minutes," she answers.

I stand up from my seat and walk towards her. I hold out my hand. She takes it. I pull her up and we walk to the elevator together, our hands still holding each other.

"You know what, Steve?" she says. I look at her. Her eyes are staring back at mine. "I really missed you."

"You, too, kid," I reply. Steve! Stop calling her 'kid'. She's already a lady.

"I mean, as I told you before, I've always wanted a big brother." Ow! Those words hurt as if they're plasma bullets coming out from a HYDRA a weapon, shooting at me.

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