S01 Chapter 17: Worse Than a Nightmare pt. 2

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Dedicated to @LoochiiePie because I felt that she deserves one :)



Steve lies on a stretcher with wheels and three paramedics and I run him to the emergency room. He has an oxygen mask connected on an oxygen tank. My chest just tightens a lot more and my eyes cannot handle the sight of him; his skin is so red as if it's his flesh. But he is still a little bit recognizable though I really cannot handle seeing him like this.

Absentmindedly, we made it to the emergency room but a paramedic asks me to leave so they could do their job and I obey. I sit down on one of the chairs by the hallway and I cry as I hug myself. How can this happen to him? Who could've done this? I wish I was the one who's in a critical condition not him. He wouldn't have taken off in his motorcycle and got burned to the tissues. This wouldn't happen to him if I just told him the truth.

"Maddy," I look over and find Bruce. He sits beside me and puts an arm on my shoulder, which turns into a comforting hug.

"It's my fault, Bruce," I say as tears flood my cheeks. "This wouldn't happen if I—"

"It's not your fault, alright?" he coos.

I get out of his grasp and look away as I wipe my eyes with my wrist. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Well, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry for being a caring friend!" his voiced is raised and I honestly don't care if he Hulks-out right now but there are still innocent people here.

"Then, don't say anything," I say with a weak and strained voice.

We get quiet for a couple of minutes and I start to play with my nails by scratching them.

Bruce breaks the silence, "Thought you may know that SHIELD called and they're coming to transfer Steve to their facility."

I look at him and say, "Why does he need to be transferred?"

"The serum in his system," he says in a hushed tone. "If the doctors here find out about that, he might be dissected."

I stare into space at the realization. "Right. And he also heals three times faster than an average person."

"Not that I'm saying it's his fault but, Johnny has pyrokinetic abilities, doesn't he?"

Something lights up and I automatically stand up as grab my phone from my pocket. "Hang on, Bruce. I just need to check on him." I walk away from him and head near the exit. Then, I dial Johnny's number. He doesn't answer and the voicemail just keep on appearing. So, I decided to call Sue. She answers after three rings.

"Hey, Maddy," she answers.

"Sue, is Johnny there?" I ask my voice slightly strained.

"What do you mean? He told me he'll be taking you out."

Tears stroll down my eyes as I realize what I've done. That's what the flowers were for, maybe. He was going to take me out instead he found me with Steve. I could throw my phone right now because of how stupid and bitchy I've become.

"But, Sue, he's not with me."

"What?" worry is in her tone. "What do you mean?"

I don't want to tell her what happened between the three of us but I'll tell about thirty percent of it. "Well, I came home and we had a fight. Then, he left" Okay, maybe that's less than thirty.

"Was he mad when he left?"

"Yes, he was."

"Oh, no. He might be a little uncontrollable when he's mad. He's always a hothead."

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