Northway Acedemy. Meet the Host Club boys!

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My names Amiela.

Im waiting patiently for my dad to sign me into 'Northway Acedemy' My mother always wanted me to go to this school...But, Its a rich peoples school and we arnt that rich, But a year ago my mother passed away

And my dad's been saving up for me to go here. But it isnt that much...He's got enough to get me in. But to pay for the rest of the espensives...I dont see how he's going to do it. Ugh...I Dont like this school. Rich people just make me sick. But, Im doing this for my mom. So..


"Yeah?" I Asked while turning to look up at my father

"Everythings set, and ready to go" He said with a smile

"Great..." I Mutterd

"Now, You wont be staying in the dorms like the rest of the kids..You'll be coming home after everyday of school" He mumbled

"Why?" I Asked

"Because.." He mutterd trying to think of an answer "Ill miss you!" He said while leaning down and giving me a big hug

"Ill miss you too dad, But, Ill be coming home everyday..So. It'll be okay" I Mumbled while hugging him back.

The truth was, He couldnt offord me staying in a dorm.

"Kay, Im going home cause, I gotta hurry up and get back to work. But you stay here today and look around and see how you like everything" He mumbled while pulling out our house key "Im locking it on my way out so take this and be careful on the walk back home"

"Okay dad!"I Said out of irritation..."Ill be fine, Go!"

He didnt take it the wrong way. He gave one last smile and walked back down the hall to leave.

I Sighed. I walked over to the huge window that was on my side and looked out of it.

Beautiful day. Maybe Ill go explor outside...I Looked to my left..Nothing interesting down that hall.

I looked to my right. And there was a sign that lead into a room.


Well..That looks interesting. Ill go explor in there.

I Walked down to the door and went inside. The room was pretty in its decoration. Pretty vases all over the place too...But, Then I noticed that I wasnt alone.


"AAHH!!" I yelped while falling to the floor.

"Eheheheheh" The little boy laughed "Your funny!"

The boy looked about seven. He was dressed in a high top notched blue suit...Probably what the acedemy boys wore. And he carried a pink bunny.

"Now, Now Braxton dont be scaring other boys like that"

A Tall dark haired boy stood behind him, Wearing the same suit as the small one was.


"Hey im not a b-" I Stopped. I felt people behind me.

I Turned and two other boys stood there...They were twins

"AH!" I Yelled while standing up and running into the small and tall one.

"oops" I Mutterd "Im sorry!"

"Haha, This guy is really clumsy" One twin said.

"Yeah, Such entertainment" The other twin said while chuckling.

"Gah, Im not a gu-!"

"Host club, Be nice to our guest. Lets not scare him" Another guy said.

Where did he come from? AND IM NOT A GUY!

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