Joseph and Braxton.

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It felt so real. But.. I knew it was a dream. I was there... With my parents.. We.. Were having dinner.. My mother made my favourit meal too..

But. Something suddently woke me.

"JOSEPH WAKEY WAKEEEEY!" Braxton cheered jumping all over my bed

"Braxton.. Stop jumping.. You might get hurt.." I mutterd while barely opening my eyes at him

Braxton fell to his knees and started shaking my leg.

"Come on sleepy head! Im hungry!" he said

"Wheres mom?" I asked

"Mommy left to spend the day with her friends. Daddies at work... And I dont like how the maids make breakfast... PLEEAAASSSEE JO-JO!" He begged

I sighed while sitting up.

"YAAAAY! JO-JOS AWAKEEEE" Braxton cheered

"Please Braxton.... Not so loud..." I mutterd trying to adjust to the lighting in the room

"Oops.. Sorry!" Braxton whisperd

I got down on my knees by the bed. And Braxton jumped on my back. I gave him a piggie-back ride down the stairs

"Oh.. Good morning Sir Braxton.. Sir Joseph.." The nanny said

"Good morning April!" Braxton said as I sat him down on the kitchen counter

"Be careful.." I mutterd at him while I went over to the fridge and looked inside

"Joseph.. Would you like some help from the maids?" April the nanny asked

"No.. Thank you" I mutterd "Braxton.. What do you want for breakfast..?" I asked

"Cake!" He cheered

"No cake for breakfast...." I sighed

"Awww.." He pouted "pancakes!"

"Im afraid were out of pancake mix Sir Braxton" April said

I sighed. What a pain.. Not having something here when Braxton wants it....

"Braxton.. Go get dressed. We'll go out for breakfast.. " I mutterd while lifting him up and setting him down on the floor

"Kay!!" He said while running of the stairs

"BE CAREFUL!" I yelled.... Gahhh. That kids gunna get hurt.. Really hurt one of these days if he doesnt calm down..

I was already dressed. So I waited for Braxton..

"Sir..." A maid said towards my direction

"Hmm?" I mumnled while looking up to her.

"Someones at the door for you.." She mutterd

I walked to the main door and saw who was waiting for me.

"Joseph.. So nice to see you!" she smiled

"yeah.." I mumbled

"Well.. Uhm... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today... Or.. Something" She said shyly

It was obvious the girl liked me...

"Im sorry.. But. I already have plans today...maybe some other time.." I told her

"Oh... Some other girl..?" She asked

"Im reaaaaaaadddddddyyyy" Braxton said while skipping outside where I was.

Braxton stood beside me and grabbed my hand while looking at the girl... The girl understood now.

"Oh. I see.. Im sorry I botherd you Joseph.. " She mumbled while turning away and running off

"Who was that Jo-Jo?" Braxton asked

"A friend of mine.. Who likes me" I told him

"Do you like her?" He asked

"no.." I blankly said

"Oh... " he mumbled "Its to bad.. She was pretty.."

"yeah..I guess she was.." I said while thinking about it...."Come on... Lets go get some breakfast"

Braxtons face lit up and he smiled "Kay!!"

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