Little notes..

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Micahs piano. I rose out of bed finding a little note on the nightstand beside the bed. I read it.. 'Good morning my love.. Follow the little notes... They shall lead you to a suprise..... -Micah. '

A suprise? Hm.. I looked for the next note. It was on the bathroom door. I read it..'So.. Your awake.. Well. Go ahead. Freshnen up...'. I went inside the bathroom. And their was a towel waiting for me with my clothes setting next to it.. Hmmm... I went to the shower and turned the water on. I stripped out of my sleep clothes and jumped in. The shower woke me up. Made me feel really nice. I washed my hair and body as fast as I could.. I wanted to know what Micah had up his sleeve! Finally.. I finished and got out of the shower. I got dressed and wrapped my hair up in the towel. I walked out of the bathroom searching for the next note.. Then.. I noticed a tray of food sitting on the bed with a note. I sat on the bed and read the note. '...Feel better? Good.. Now. I hope these are some foods you like.. Go ahead and eat so you can find your next note'

This wasnt here before... I bet he heard me in the shower so he sent the maid up with some food... Hmmm.. I still heard him playing the piano as I ate. I ate some whole grain oatmeal that was on the tray. And their was a bowl full of fruit.. The fruit was delicious. Nice and fresh. I finished breakfast and took the towel off my head. I peaked out of my room looking for the next note. It was on the wall by the stairs. I went over there and grabbed it while reading it. 'Hope you enjoyed breakfast.. Surely you hear me playing... Go on down the stairs and look at the main door when you get down here'

I quickly walked down the stairs. Micah noticed me. He smiled while continuing to play. I saw a note on the door. I picked it up and read it. 'Get over here... I need a good morning kiss my dear...... But after that. Theres a small blue box ontop of the piano... Your suprise is in side' I slowly walked over to Micah. From behind I wrapped my arms around him while kissing his cheeck.

"Good morning.. " I said to him

"Good morning" He said back while turning his head where he could really see me. Then he leaned in. This time. I kissed him on the lips... For a while too. But he pulled away while chuckling

"Your suprise.." He reminded me.

OH! Right... I forgot. He continued to play as I sat by him. There was a small blue box with a note on it. I read the last note

'For you Ameila.... I hope you like it..'

I Reached for the small blue box and opened it. It was a silver braceless that had a vase hanging from it... It was beautiful. But I didnt get the vase part. Micah saw me staring at the little vase and he laughed

"What?" I asked confused while pulling the small bracelet out

"Its a charm bracelet.. The vase is a reminder on.. How we first met when you broke our vase" He chuckled.

"Oh" I mutterd while remembering the embarressing moment.

He stopped playing... Then he turned to face me. He took the charm bracelet. And hooked it to my wrist. Then he hooked on another little charm.. It was a little lightning bolt

"Whats that one for?" I wonderd

"Its a reminder for... How I protected you from the storm. Plus.. It was the first night I had spent with you alone..." he mumbled while hooking another charm on. It was a small silver piano.

"And that one?" I asked

"Its a reminder for how we shared our first kiss at my piano.." He said while blushing "Everytime we have a special moment... I shall add another charm to your bracelet"

I smiled " Oh Micah... Its just beautiful... I love it!"

"you do?" He asked as his face lit up.

"Ofcourse! Its perfect!!" I told him

"Im glad you like it.." He smiled

Micah turned to play again. He had started where he left off. I listened while admiring my charm bracelet. Someone walked in. But. I didnt pay attention to them though.

"Micah.." the man mutterd

Micah instantly stopped playing and he stiffened up.

"Yes father..?" Micah asked quietly

So.... The man was his father? He was behind me but I didnt turn to look... I was some what scared to meet him.

"I told you.. Not to play when Im home.. " His father rudely said

"Im sorry... I didnt know you were home... " he said

"Well I am..... But not for long.. I just had to stop by for some papers that was in my study.." He told him

Micah turned to look at his father. I turned with him. His father had light blonde hair.. Green eyes. He was very tall. But. His face was bitter.

"Whos this?" He asked while looking over at me

"Father..." Micah mutterd while standing up. Pulling me up with him to his side "This is my Ameila..."

"Your Ameila.. " He mumbled "So.. Shes your girlfriend?"

"Yes sir.." He mutterd with a small smile.

"I see..." He said "Well. She seems like a fine younge lady.. And. Ide like to know more about her.... But. I need to get back to work"

"Ofcourse.." Micah said while his father went ahead upstairs.

"Ameila.." Micah mutterd as soon as we were alone.

"Yes?" I asked

"Shall we go for a ride?" He asked

"Sure.." I told him.

He took my hand and we went outside to the limo.. Gah.. Ofcourse we would take this thing.. Ugh. We climbed inside and the driver went ahead and started driving.

"Micah..." I mumbled

"Yes?" He asked while wrapping his arm around me.

"You play so amazingly. How come your father doesnt like it when you play.. When hes around?" I asked

"Because... " Micah sighed "Because it reminds him of my mother.."

"I see..." I mumbled

"You know... I wouldnt have ever played again if it wasnt for you Ameila... " He told me

"Wow" I mumbled

We kept driving.. And ended up in my neighborhood.

"Micah.. Where are we going?". I wonderd

Micah smiled his pretty smile.

"Its a suprise" He said "Now.... Close your eyes"

I listened to what he said. And closed my eyes. I heard the limo stop. And I heard a door open.

"Here... Take my hand" Micah said while wrapping his hand around mine. He pulled me out of the limo. And closed the door.

"Now... Keep walking forward... But be careful... No peeking!" He chuckled while walking still holding my hand.

Hmm.. I heard children laughing. And I smelt fresh air. But... Where were we!?

"Almost there... Keep walking love.."He told me.

I kept walking. Finally. He stopped me. And sat me on something. He took my hands and wrapped them around something.

"Open your eyes.. " He said

I did.

"The park.." I said.

He gently pushed me from behind. And I began to swing.

"Yepp.. Thought we could have a playdate" He chuckled

I giggled. Micah was good with these little suprises. I wanted to give him a suprise... But... He seems like he had everything he wanted.. Seemed like I couldnt give him a good enough suprise... Or.. Maybe I could. Well. Ill think about that later. Right now.. I just want to have my playdate with Micah.

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