Hope you like it... Micah.

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The next day. I went to school really early. To set everything up. All the other Host members were there and so far.. Everything was going smoovly.

"Micah!" Braxton said

I looked up to make sure Micah wasnt in the room.

"Braxton!" I complained "I told you to only do that when you see him!"

"but.. I do see him!" Braxton said while pointing out the window.

I walked over to the window and looked to where Braxton was pointing. Micah was getting out of his limo. Quickly rushing into the Acedemy.. It was a long walk though to the main doors of the Acedemy.

"Okay guys... Get in your places.." I told them.

I walked out into the hall. Axiously waiting for Micah. I hope im doing the right thing. My breathing was so un-even. Gah... Hurry Micah! After a few minutes passing Micah turned and stood before me. It was a long ass hallway. But once he saw me. He instantly smiled.

"Ameila" He said while slightly blushing

"Micah!" I smiled. I ran for him. His smile grew bigger and he met me have way. His embrace just felt amazing. He held me tight and gave me a biiiggg huuuugg.

"Oh Ameila" He sighed while walking.

I walked backwards. Still holding him in our hug.

"Micah! Ive missed you!" I blushed

"You have no idea.." He said

We finally reached the door.

"Ooh... Wait!" I said while letting him go

"What is it?" He asked suprised

"Close your eyes.." I mutterd while taking his hand.

"Whats going on?" He mumbled while closing his eyes

"A suprise.." I told him

I quietly opened the door. Leading Micah in. He slightly chuckled still with his eyes closed.

"You know Ameila... I throw suprises.. Not receive them" He mutterd

"Shh!" I playfully shh'd him " Okay Micah... Can you tell me what this is?" I asked while looking over to Colton.

Colton pushed play on the little laptop that sat infront of Micah. A melody started to play. Micahs little smile faded as he listened.

"Ofcourse... Thats the first song I ever heard my mother play on piano.." He mumbled

"Open your eyes.." I told him

He opened his eyes and saw the little laptop infront of him sitting on a platform. Then. His mother appeared on the screen.

"Hello Micah.." She said

"M-mother.." He gasped

"I decided to record a little video for you dear.... Its seems like forever since you've seen me. I just want you to know.. Theres not a day thats gos by when I dont think of you. I miss you Micah. And I love you so much. I understand it isnt much.. But I thought this little video would be more then.. Not hearing from me at all. You should thank that Ameila of yours... She planned this all for you"

Micah gave me a quick glance. Tears were in his eyes. He slightly smiled then looked back at the computer screen.

"Ameilas told me how your still playing piano.... Thank you. You and me share that special talent. When I play piano. I think of you... You were so natural at it. Im glad you havent dropped it... Micah. I know that I did a horribal thing by leaving you. But. I promise. One day I will gain the courage to face you again. And I will give you a hug. And tell you how much I love you. From the things that ive heard... You seem like a astounding younge man. And I dont doubt it one bit. Never forget Micah.... That mommy loves you... And she always will.."

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