The date!

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So...ofcourse I said yes to Micahs offer...Though Im not sure how this is going to go.. I put a white v-neck t-shirt on. A blue jean mini skirt on. Sneakers...And a purple jacket. I put a small purple clip in my hair. I took one last look in the mirror...Okay, I Can do this..I looked out of my apartments window and saw a limo pull up. Jeez..what is it with rich people and limo's?! I made my way outside and Micah was leaned against the limos door. He wore black dress pants, Top-notch shoes...and A light blue button down shirt. His blonde hair looked a little shiny-er today..I slightly giggled.

"Whats so funny?" He mutterd while opening the door for me

"Nothing.." I smirked while climbing into the limo

He climbed in right behind me and closed the door

"Where to?" He asked me

Oh great...

"Uhm..." I Mutterd thinking of a place to go...Then, The perfect place popped in my head "The towns park! Its only a few miles away from here..I want to show you it" I told him

He gently smiled then looked up to the driver "The Northway park please..." He mumbled

"Right away sir!" The driver said

Me and Micah were really quiet during the ride, But we arrived to the park pretty quick, The driver got out to open my door, But before he could, I had already opened it and ran out. I loved the park!

"Come on!" I yelled back towards Micah

Micah crawled out and ran after me. I ran up to the pond that was there, Ducks were quacking at me. Micah came up from behind me.

"This is my favourit thing about the park" I mutterd while leaning down touching the water

"Whys that?" Micah asked

"My mom would bring me here every weekend...We would feed the ducks..And play on the swings.." I told him while smiling

"You really miss her..Dont you?" Micah asked

"More than anyone will ever know.." I Sighed

"You know..." Micah mutterd while sitting down on the grass "I havent seen my mother since I was twelve.."


"Really?" I mumbled while sitting down with him " I never knew.."

"She left........She couldnt handle my fathers side of the family...My father was always rich, And my mother didnt know he was rich when they met..Then, She found out..She tried to make it work. But the rich life style...was not the life style for her. She hated it.." He told me

"Your father just let her go? He didnt try to make it work?" I asked

"He knew that...If he let her go, She would be happy...He loved her...And he wanted her happy..So..."He mumbled while watching the ducks

"I see...." I mumbled in thought

"So.. Feeding the ducks was your favourit thing to do with your mom?" Micah asked

"Mmm... One of the many favourit things I did with my mom.." I told him

"Name some other.." He mutterd

"Lets see..." I said "We cooked together.. Babysat together.. Shopped together.. Sang together.. We would bake cookies for the families that lived by us together.. We did everything together.."

"I wish mine and my mothers relationship were that close...." He sighed

"What.. Did you do with your mom?"I asked

He kept quiet for a secoud..


"Mother.. Is father here?" I asked

"No sweetie.. Im afraid not" She sighed

I saw how a brand new piano sat in our living room... I had never seen it before.. And mother was sitting at it.

"Mother... What Are you doing??" I asked curiously

"Dear.. Didnt you know?..I play piano.." she mumbled while brushing her finguers alonge the keys

"You never told me.." I said

She sat there in silence for a few moments then, patted the space next to her on the piano chair

"Mother?" I asked wondering what she meant

"Micah.. Come.. Sit with me... Listen.." She told me

I walked over to her and sat next to her. She sighed and closed her eyes. Her lips moved but words didnt come out.. Then. Her finguers moved over the keys so gently.. So peacefully. The most amazing sound filled the room.

"Mother its beautiful.." I quietly said while she played

Her eyes opened and she smiled "I know.. I learned when I was six..." she whisperd

"Well... Im nine.. Do you think you could teach me..?" I asked.

I wanted to learn how to play so breath taking!

"Ofcourse dear... Ill teach you" She said while closing her eyes and continuing to concentrate on her song..


I waited patiently while Micah kept quiet.. Finally. He smiled.

"We played piano together... Thats about it" He said

I was shocked.. Micah didnt look like he could play piano..

"So... You can play?" I asked

"Ofcourse.. " he told me

"Ide like to hear you play someday.." I mumbled

"I promise.... Ill bring you to my home. And play, Especialy for you,Ameila" Micah said with a smile

I wasnt so thrilled about going to his house... Knowing it was just some fancy mantion.. But. I wanted to hear him play.

"Better not break that promise... " i teased

Micah chuckled "I wont!"

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