Micah Daniels.

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Okay... So. Its spring break at Northway Acedemy.All the students are out of school..And... I wanted my readers to know a little bit more about the Host Club boys... Or atleast how their everyday lives go. Well.. Lets start with Micah.

I had woken up a little late today.. But. Its spring break.. So who cares.. As soon as I rose up. My maid was in my room opening my blinds at the window. She had noticed my awakening.

"Oh..Sir Micah.. About time you'd wake up" She said while letting out a small giggle.

"Indeed.. And. What time is it?" I asked

"11:30, Sir" She answerd while picking up a few dirty clothes off the floor

"Did..... Did father go to work today?" I asked

"Yes sir... Office called him in earlier.." She mumbled

I frowned in dissapointment "I see.."

"Is something wrong,Sir?" She asked

" He Promised we'd spend the day together.. " I mutterd while getting out of bed and stretching

"Oh.. Im sorry sir... I guess he might have forgotten" She said while putting new towels in my bathroom.

"I suppose so.... Oh well.." I mumbled while walking into my bathroom.. The maid started to walk out.

"Wait" I called after her

She turned and looked confused "Sir?" She asked

I unbuttoned my shirt and handed it to her "Please take this with you.." I mumbled

The maid blushed and got all shy..

'Y-yes sir!" she said while taking it and quickly walking out of my room

I turned back to my mirror in my bathroom and sighed...What was I suppose to do today?? Im usually spending all my free time at the Host Club... Now... Im going to be bored out of my mind... Ahh..

I went ahead and took a quick shower. Good thing the maid restored fresh towels.... I dressed casuel.. Didnt plan on leaving the house today. I made my way down stairs into the kitchen.

"Oh.. Your up" Amy mumbled

"Mhm...." I mutterd while sitting at the table

"What would you like for breakfast,Sir?" She asked

Amy was the cook.... She really did prepare tastey meals. But.. I wasnt really hungry.

"Ill pass on breakfast.." I told her

"Oh.... Well is there any thing I can get you?" She asked

"Some Frenche tea please, Sugar added.." I said

"Coming up!" she said

I sighed while walking into the living room. I glanced over at my mothers old piano... I havent played it since she left... I walked over to it and sat down. The maid had walked in with my tea

"Here you are, Sir" She mumbled.. "Uhm your tea.."

I didnt answer her though. I drifted away in thought...


I heard mother and father fighting late at night.. It woke me from my sleep... I tippy toe'd into the living room where I saw my mothers bags packed

"Your leaving so soon!?" My father yelled

"Yes! It has to be done!" my mother yelled back

"Mother...."I mumbled

Her face looked shocked.. And ashamed.. My eyes filled with tears. "M-mother?! Your leaving!?" I sobbed

"Dear... " She mutterd while leaning down and picking me up.

"Why mother?" I sobbed while hiding my face in her blonde hair

"Micah.. My precious Micah... Please dont be angry with me.. And Please... Understand that this has NOTHING to do with you.." She mumbled while hugging me tight "And please.... Please know that I love you my dear, I will always love you"

I cried even harder.. So it was true. She was leaving..I wrapped my finguers around her hair

"Please dont leave Mother!"I yelled through my tears

My father watched in silence..

"I must... For. This is not the life style for me.." She told me

"Take me with you!" I sobbed "Dont leave me!" I said while holding onto her even tighter

"You must stay here with your father... Its better this way.. " She said while sittigng me down. But. I held onto her neck not letting her go. Finally. My mothers eyes filled with tears. My father walked over and pulled me off my mother

"NO! Let me go! I. dont want to stay!!! Mommy!!" I cried

My mother quickly picked her bags up and ran out the front door.

"Noo!!!" I yelled throuh my tears


"Sir...?" The maid asked wondering why I was quiet

"I havent touched this piano..since I was twelve years old..." I finally mumbled after remembering the painful memorie.

"So ive heard.." the maid mutterd

"I better get practising... Then... I have a girl to impress" I said while smirking..

I closed my eyes and rememberd the first time I had heard my mother play. My finguers brushed along the keys...

"For you... Ameila.." I mumbled to my self..Then I had began to play the song that my mother had first played to me. It sounded perfect. But. It didnt compare to how my mother played it..... Oh well...

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