Chapter One: The Enemy

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Kat's POV

My converse dragging across the pavement's sound annoys me as I enter the same building I go into every weekdays. Panem High School. It's a very big school that is owned by my parents. My mom and my stepdad. Yes, we are filthy rich.

As I walk to my locker, I bump into my biggest enemy ever. Like ever. His name just happens to be Peeta Mellark. Yes, he's a Mellark. The Mellarks are our family's best friends. I am serious not sarcastic. I don't understand how our parents can be the best of friends.

Our parents may be the best of friends but Peeta and I aren't. It would take me days to tell you the story of why we hate each other so much. Wait, I actually don't know why. I just know the answer to how. I snap back into reality as he purposely hits my shoulder. I glare at him.

"Watch your actions Mellark." I hiss.

"Watch where you're going Everdeen." he spits back.

I roll my eyes at him and just walk to my locker. Mellark and I are the two most popular people in this school. We're the two most richest here too. I don't know why we became rivals but our families used to bet that we'll be together.

They we're wrong about their bets though.

It is easy to hate but difficult to love. This is how the scheme of things works. All the good things are difficult to achieve and bad things are easy to get. Our parents are seriously waiting for something that will never happen.

I dump all the stuff I won't be needing inside my locker and I check my timetable. It just so happens that Music is my next class. I slam my locker shut and walk to the Music room. I spot my friends in the classroom talking to Mellark.

Well I have no choice. They're the only ones here who treat me as their true friends. It's either I stay with them with Mellark or I get another group of friends who would just use me for popularity. They're the only ones I can trust. Except Mellark, of course.

I sit beside the lovebirds, Annie and Finnick. I am behind Cato who is beside Clove who is beside Mellark. Yeah, I got a seat away from him and I am very glad about that. I mean, who would want to sit next to their enemy?

Our teacher Ms. Trinket comes strutting in and my eyes start to hurt just because of her clothes. She's like a Christmas tree that's pink. She's just so ugh. I can list a whole list of the things I hate about her. And I have two classes with her. She's also a teacher in Drama.

"Good morning class. I told you last week that we will have our singing games today. I hope you all have prepared a song to sing." she says and everyone groans.

"Manners students!" she scolds.

I roll my eyes at her. Another thing I hate about her. She minds her manners so much. Can't she even look at the mirror to see what she's wearing? For God's sake. I want to throw tomatoes at her and see her reaction.

"I have a jar here with your names and I will be picking out a paper and once I read your name, you take the floor and sing." she instructs.

I am not very interested in the people who first got picked. There were about six or seven who were called that I didn't care about then the next one catched my attention.

"Peeta Mellark." Ms. Trinket says.

Oh, wow. Now I get to tease him about his bad voice. Yes! I finally got something against him. Last week, he kept on teasing me about my crush on Ansel Elgort but I mean who wouldn't love him?

He goes to the front lazily and he tells Effie the song he's gonna sing. He goes to the front again and the music plays. He takes a deep breath before starting to sing.

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