Chapter Thirteen: The Flashback

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The outfit above is Kat's outfit in Peeta's flashback.

Peeta's POV

It's been two weeks since Katniss has been discharged from the hospital and three weeks since she lost her memory. When she got out of the hospital, the doctors still didn't know how she got the amnesia. They said that her brain is perfectly fine and nothing was damaged from it. I'm confused too because not everyone gets amnesia that easily.

Katniss and I have been closer than ever these past few weeks and days. I know that I'm taking advantage of her memory loss but this is the only way I could relive our old memories and I am determined to bring back our past. Our past which was really happy and full of love. I'm determined to make Katniss Everdeen mine again.

I remember the time when we had our first date. It was like in our first month of freshman year because that was the time I finally had the balls to ask her out. That was also the day we had our first serious kiss. I'm saying serious kiss because when we were young, we used to kiss each other but it was very playful and just for fun. Kids are kids, you know.

I knock on the door of the Everdeen's house and Kat's dad opens it. He looks at me from head to toe and smiles. I think he smiles because he spot the bouquet of roses in my hands.

"You are looking very good today, Peeta." he says and taps my shoulder.

"Thank you Mr. Everdeen." I reply.

"Man, how many times do I have to say to you that you can just call me Roger?" he laughs a little.

"Well then, thank you for that compliment Roger." I chuckle.

He opens the door wider for me and I enter with a smile. He closes the door a bit and I sit on their couch while I wait for Katniss to come downstairs. I've been used to coming to this house because my family never fails to go to this house every Friday and Sunday.

After about ten more minutes, Katniss comes down the stairs looking gorgeous and simple. She's wearing a blue sleeveless top along with white lace shorts and a silver necklace. She looks beautiful but she's still beautiful even if she's wearing sweatpants.

"Hey." Katniss smiles.

"Hey. Oh, these are for you." I say and hand her the bouquet of roses.

"Thanks. You look handsome, by the way." she compliments.

We walk to my car outside with our fingers laced and hands together. Once we reach the car, I open the passenger's seat door for her.

"Peeta, drop the gentleman act. Let's just pretend like bestfriends going on a date. Or maybe something more." she giggles.

"Okay." I say and she enters the car.

I walk to the other side of the car and get in myself. I start the car's engine and drive to Pancake House. I know that is too simple but this is our first date and that's not the only place I'm planning to bring her.

I park the car in a vacant parking lot when we reach our destination and she opens the door to her side before I can even move. She laughs as I exit the car with her. We enter the pancake house and she takes her seat in one of the booths while I order for us. I know what to order for her because I have known her for a real 14 and a half years.

After getting my order, I take the tray and sit in front of her in the booth. She takes her plate of pancakes and I take mine. We don't have any drinks and I can see that she is wondering about it. But the date is not finished yet so I keep my poker face on while we eat.

But that's not everything that happened while we were eating. I ended up putting a pancake on her nose and her mouth catching it before it fell. We laughed while eating. It's like we forgot that there were other people around us.

After eating, we leave the pancake house and I drive to Starbucks. She seems surprised and finally smiles after she realizes that I didn't buy any drinks at the pancake house earlier because I was planning on bringing her here.

Again, we enter the café hands together and fingers laced. She orders her usual and I do too. We wait at the nearest table by the counter and once our names get called, I get both of our drinks.

We sip on it while talking. She seems really happy today and I'm very glad that I was the one who was able to make her happy. We talked and laughed. Basically, what we did earlier.

But after we finish our drinks, I drive somewhere that is not her house. She thought I was bringing her home already but when we passed her village, she knew I wasn't. I drove to the meadow where there is a very nice view of the city. I park my car by the sidewalk and we walk through the woods with our hands together. Again.

We reach the meadow and she smiles at the view. She's always loved the meadow and that's the reason why I brought her here. We sit on the flat grass and she rests her head on my shoulder. We watch the view in silence. No words have to be spoken because we both know how it feels. We both know what's in our minds.

She finally removes her head from my shoulder and looks at me. That is when she places her lips on mine. I already saw it coming so I immediately kiss her back. I place my hands on her hips while she places hers around mu neck.

Kissing her honestly feels like I finally got to visit and relax on cloud nine. It feels like heaven possesed my body. I don't even know how is that possible.

At last, we removed our lips from each other and I rested my forehead on hers. She grins and I mirror her. This is the only thing I've been wanting all my life. We may have been childhood bestfriends but I've always had a crush on her.

"I love you Peeta." she says.

"I love you too Katniss." I reply and place my lips back on hers.

I finally got the girl I love. This isn't infatuation anymore because she loves me back.

I smile at the memory. I wonder where our I Love You went after we broke up. But for me, I am very sure that her I Love You stayed in my heart. The whole of her stayed in my heart. Even when I dated Delly when I was away from this place. I never experienced the sparks I felt with Katniss when I was with Delly. But I'm sure she didn't like me that way too.

I wish life could go back to the way it was before. If only I could go back and change the events today. I sigh as I get up from my bed and get ready for the day that is coming to me.

Hey guys I hope you all liked the chapter.

Okay, I am still alive. I just haven't updated this book because I was too busy working on my other books. This one is almost coming to an end. Six more chapters and an epilogue. I'm also sad to end this but all things come to an end.

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Shirley xx

"I go back in time to change it but I can't."

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