Chapters 1 - 10

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Hello peoples! Hope you like the first chapter! ;D

Chapter 1

"What?!" I squealed down the phone. No way, no way, no way.

"I said, we loved your audition and you've got the part! Rehearsals start in a month, I'll call you nearer the time."

I said goodbye and hung up. Oh my god. I got the part. I had auditioned for the part of Eponine in a West End production of Les Miserables and I bloody well got the part! I called up all my friends and family, excitedly to tell them the news. Then it hit me. I live in Edinburgh. The rehearsals and everything are in London. Where the heck would I live?!

None of my close friends lived in London... I sighed. I turned on my laptop and scrolled down my newsfeed. My cousin, Angie had posted a photo of her with the One Direction boys. She must have bumped into them somewhere. I liked it and then suddenly had an idea. Harry! He lived in London! Sure, I hadn't seen him since we were 16 because I moved away from Home's Chapel to Edinburgh but I still had his number... 

I paused, holding the phone in my hand and bit my lip hard. Was this a good idea? Would he even remember me? I took a deep breath and hit "Call". The phone rang for what seemed like a lifetime before the ringing stopped and a husky voice answered, "Hello?"

"Harry, it's me..."

"y/n?!" he almost shouted down the phone. I laughed lightly.


"Woah, oh my God, it's been so long... how are you? Like in general?" He sounded just how I remembered. God I've missed him.

"In general, I'm great... more than great actually... I just got offered the part of Eponine in the west end!"

"y/n, that's fantastic! Well done!"

"Thing is... I still live in Edinburgh and at the moment... I can't afford to buy a flat or anything... and I don't really know anyone in London..."

I heard him chuckle. "So you're going to live with me and Louis. That is final. We actually have a spare room in our house 'cos Liam just moved in with Danielle." I didn't know who this Danielle was but I recognized the names Louis and Liam from Harry's band. I squealed a bit, making him laugh.

We talked a little more but said goodbye because Harry had a meeting or something and I needed to go tell my mum the exciting news. I was going to be living with Harry Styles and his bandmate, Louis Tomlinson. Wow.


So that was the first chapter! Please give feedback and I'll be sure to keep writing! X

 Chapter 2

I twiddled my hair between my fingers, looking out of the train window. Just some fields. The man opposite me had been trying to chat me up from the moment we pulled out of Edinburgh Waverly and by now, I had stuck my earphones in and was listening to K.T. Tunstall loudly. Half an hour left before I arrived at King's Cross Station... Half an hour left before I saw Harry...

Harry and I had been best friends since nursery through to year 11 when my dad got a job in Scotland and we moved. We used to live opposite each other and became pretty inseperable. I'd always had a very small crush on Harry but our frienship was and would always be more important to me. He hadn't seen me for four years... wow... I had seen him on magazine covers and all over the internet so I knew what to expect but I had changed a lot since high school. My flat chest had finally decided to grow and my figure had finally stopped looking like that of a teenage boy. The only thing that hadn't changed was my hair, which I still wore in long, caramel waves down my back.

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