Chapter 22

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update- I've been holidaying in the sun 8) 

anyways, time to update I believe! Don't be shy with voting and commenting! ;) 

Chapter 22

(Niall's P.O.V.)

I was woken up by the loud buzzing of my phone on the bedside table. Sighing, I picked it up and stared at the caller I.D. It was y/n. I gasped and answered as quickly as I could, clutching the phone to my ear.

"y/n? Is everything okay?" I rushed, not waiting for her to speak. I heard quiet sobs from the other end of the line.

"... Niall... everything's ruined... Harry doesn't want to marry me, I know it... he just said he wasn't sure there would be a wedding.. Niall he doesn't love me anymore ever since I said that I..." She stopped suddenly. I waited but she didn't continue.

"Ever since you said what, babe?" I prompted.

"... Ever since I said that I might be in love with you..."

Silence. I stared at my phone. Had she really just confessed that? My heart was beating harder than a drum and bass song and my head was spinning. 

"Do you want me to come round or anything, y/n? To talk all this through... properly?" I asked, silently praying for her to say yes so I could see that beautiful face. She agreed quietly, obviously scared that Harry would hear her. "Okay, I'll pick you up in ten. Tell Harry you're going out with a friend or something... just don't say it's me, yeah?" 

"Okay Niall... see you in a bit..." her soft voice said. Just as I was about to hang up I heard her say, "Niall... thank you."

As soon as we were off the phone, I ran to my room to check my appearance. I looked tired and worn out, my hair messy and my eyes bloodshot. I sighed, running my hands through my hair, trying to settle it a bit, before grabbing my Jack Wills hoodie and jogging through the rain to my car. The drive to Harry and Louis' took about five minutes so I spent a few minites just sitting there, staring at their large house. It was funny how from the outside the house looked perfect, the kind of house that would be filled with laughter and partying when in actual fact, on the inside, there was a relationship being torn apart bit by bit. 

The door opened and y/n stepped out, rolling her eyes at the awful British weather. She held her handbag over her head as she searched for my car. When her eyes settled on it, an expression of relief and something else flooded her face- happiness? Love? She jogged to the car, handbag protecting her long caramel waves and jumped in, panting a bit from the jog. We sat like that for a moment; me looking at her, mesmorized by the way she was sorting her already perfect hair in the small mirror; and her trying to avoid my eyes as she tried to settle her appearance. When she was satisfied she turned to me and gave me a small sad smile. I returned it before starting the car and turning my eyes back to the road.

(Y/n's P.O.V.)

We drove in silence; the only audible sound being the hard rain battering against the windows and our breathing which occasionally hitched when the other moved slightly. I looked at him; his bright blue eyes which were focused on the road ahead looked tired and sad and that infectious smile of his was nowhere to be seen. But despite the obvious sadness in his appearance, I couldn't help but notice how sexy his hair looked all messy like that and how much I wanted those large hands wrapped around me as we... Stop. This isn't sensible. He seemed to notice the change in my mood as he flicked his eyes to me, raising an eyebrow in question. I looked down at my lap quickly, hoping he hadn't noticed the way I'd been staring at him for the past few minutes. 

The car stopped and we sat there not saying anything, just watching each other for what seemed like years before Niall made the first move by stepping out the car. I followed his lead and let him lead me into his house. It wasn't as big as ours but that made sense seeing as it was just him living there. We sat down on the sofa in silence. Like before, Niall made the first move, taking my cold hands in his and looking into my eyes with his shocking blue ones.

"Speak..." he urged me, a slight desperation in his voice.

"I don't know what to say..." I replied, trying my hardest not to lose my train of thought in those eyes.

"Then just hold me... please?" he begged. I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning into him. His arms wrapped around me as I buried my head into his neck. I wish I could have just stayed there like that forever... hidden from the real world with just him and I, lost in our love for each other... Love?! No... no no no... I have Harry... Harry who isn't sure if we'll last... 

"What are you thinking?" Niall's voice broke me from my thoughts and I pulled away just enough so that I could see his face.

"I was thinking about us... and Harry... and everything..." I whispered honestly. His eyes lit up suddenly and I could have sworn he almost smiled.

"You were thinking about me and you?" he asked hopefully. I nodded slowly. He actually smiled, a full smile. I found myself smiling back. Before I could think too much about this he leant forward and kissed my forehead gently. It was innocent. Sweet. So why did it send shivers through my body like this? He seemed to notice my reaction to his touch and leant forward again, kissing the bridge of my nose this time, just as softly. He continued like this down my face, brushing his lips against both my cheek bones, along my jaw, on top of my closed eye lids until eventually, his lips meant mine. Like the other kisses, it was gentle, loving, but there was desperation here as our lips began to move against each other. There was a sense of needing. My hands found their own way to his messy hair, earning a quiet moan from his lips. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him, his arms holding me so tight that it almost hurt. 

"Please don't go back..." he whispered, breaking our kiss. His eyes looked like they were on the verge of tears. I moved off of him slowly, making him let out a quiet sigh of pain. As ever, no words were coming out of my lips. I wanted to tell him how much it hurt me to see him like this. I wanted to tell him how it felt when he kissed me. But I didn't. I just stared at him. He reached towards me, cupping my face in his hands, forcing me to lock eyes with him. "Please don't go back to Harry, y/n... Please..."

A tear trickled down my cheek silently as I watched him falling apart in front of me. This whole mess... was my fault. I closed my eyes, leaning my face into his hands, his touch comforting me.  I don't know how long we sat like that, but I know that by the time my phone began to ring from my handbag, something had changed between Niall and I. I picked up the phone and answered, my eyes not leaving Niall's.

"y/n?" Harry's voice called through the phone. His voice sounded different.

"Harry..." I answered, not sure what to say. Niall looked away as I spoke my fiance's name.

"Where are you?" he sounded urgent. My eyes widened, I wasn't prepared for this.

"Erm... I'm just at the shops... why? Harry, is everything okay?" I asked, beginning to panic a bit.

I heard a sob escape from him before he answered, "y/n... Liam... his car... he..." He was now sobbing uncontrollably. Niall's phone began to ring. 

"Harry, what happened to Liam? Harry?" I urged, my voice high with panic.

"He's in the hospital... just meet me there..." he was calming down a bit now. He told me which hospital and we hung up. I looked at Niall. Zayn had just called him with the news. His face had drained of all colour. 

"We need to go." He said, grabbing his car keys and rushing out the house. I followed him quickly into his car and we drove in silence. I knew he was speeding but I didn't care. We needed to get there.

We arrived at the carpark and I stepped out of Niall's car. There were hundreds of teenage girls filling the carpark, crying and screaming. I looked around for a way through when my eyes found the hospital doors and Harry Styles standing by them, staring at me with his mouth dropped open. I was about to wonder why he looked so shocked when I clicked. I had just got out of Niall's car with Niall himself. Fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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