Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

-y/n's P.O.V.-

Two weeks had passed since Niall had confessed his love to me... two weeks since the first performance. I had had two nights off in the last two weeks from the show as we didn't do performances on Sundays so I would treasure every moment of those nights. It's not that I didn't love doing the show, it was just that I was so tired and right now, with everything that was going on, I just needed a break. Luckily, today was a Sunday so I could look forward to my night off.

I hadn't seen Niall since the party... Nobody really had. Zayn had gone round to Niall's various times to ask him to hang out but apparently he would always have an excuse. I hated that I had caused this hole in the band, this awkward and ugly elephant in the room... I think all the boys knew the situation we were in and just didn't have the guts to bring it up...

Harry had been acting differently to... he seemed so distant and empty... But tonight was the night. I was going to sort this out with Harry... I would tell him that he was the only one I loved and that he would have to forgive Niall... it wasn't his fault. 

I walked down the stairs idley, wearing a pastel blue summer dress and sandals. Harry was in the kitchen, sipping from a black mug of steaming coffee. He didn't acknowledge me as I tiptoed into the room. I walked over to him confidently and took the mug out of his hands. He looked at me with a frustrated expression and raised an eyebrow in question. I placed the mug on the counter behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He didn't react. I reached up and placed my lips gently on his. He didn't react, I ran a hand through his hair in the way that usually made him moan. He didn't react. I sighed. 

I let go of him and turned around, hurt, making my way to the door. I felt a hand grab my upper arm and spin me around to face Harry who's face was literally centimetres from mine. His grip on my arm was too tight and would definitely leave bruises. I stared into his dark eyes, waiting patiently for his next move. His other hand cupped my face so that I couldn't look anywhere but him.

"Do you love me?" he asked, his voice low and dark. I nodded quickly, too afraid to speak. I had never felt afraid of Harry before but then I'd never seen him like this. "I said, do you love me?" he asked again, more forcefully, his grip on my arm tightening slightly, making me let out a quiet whimper.

"...yes Harry, you know I do..."

He nodded, satisfied by my answer and then looked back at me again. His expression had changed from threatening and powerful to sad and desperate as he let go of me and sat down on the kitchen chair. He looked up at me, his bright green eyes sparkling with the threat of tears.

"...and him? Do you love... him?" he choked, his distraught eyes never leaving mine. I sat down opposite him and looked down at my hands.

"Harry... I love you..." 

I could feel his eyes boring into me, harder than before. "y/n, answer my question."

I caught his eye briefly before breaking into tears. This wasn't how I had wanted the day to go. Not even slightly.

"I don't know Harry!" I yelled. He was shocked by my answer, but not as shocked as I was. Had I really just said that I didn't know? He stood up and moved over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder. What a mess we were in.

- 2 hours later - 

There was a knock on the door. I sighed as I left my position on the sofa and made my way over to the door. I opened it to find the postman holding a large cardboard box. The wedding invitations. I thanked him and brought them back into the lounge where Harry and Louis were sitting, their eyes both fixed on the television. I cleared my throat.

"The invites?" Louis asked. I nodded and placed them on the coffee table. Harry looked at the box and then looked at me, before sighing and running his hands through his hair for about the millionth time today. I looked down, not entirely sure what to do or say. Louis took control, opening the box to find 200 empty lilac envelopes and 200 unwritten invitations. Harry and I had decided that we could invite 100 people each. I took the initiative to take out my pile of cards, grab my favourite pen from one of the drawers by the TV and take out my list of people. Harry and Louis both watched me as I started the process, beginning with my parents. I had written four invitations when I realised that the two boys hadn't moved since I had started. I looked up at them. Louis looked away tiredly but Harry held my gaze.

"I think we should maybe wait to see what happens before we write them." he stated. I looked at him confused for a second before I understood what he was suggesting. My mouth fell open. He wasn't sure if there would be a wedding at this rate...

"Right..." I said in a whisper as that was the most I could manage, as I put down the invitation I had been writing. I looked up at Harry, tearfully before standing up, adjusting my dress and leaving the room. All I heard as I walked up the stairs was Louis saying, "Dude that was pretty harsh..." and Harry replying, "I know... but it's true..."

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