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Hello all you lovely loves out there! I wanted to take a moment and say a few words before you get started with this book. I decided a while ago that I want to give back to each and every one of you that have taken the time to read my stories, vote, comment, follow my profile, and even send me some private messages. That means you sweetheart. And, the only way that I can ever really do that is to continue writing. But, because I don't have the time to write hundreds upon hundreds of books for each of you as a thank you, I thought that this would work instead.

I've always loved a fast pace romance novel. And I am a hopeless romantic. There's no cure for this, and I don't care! But, because of this, my desire to constantly write fantasies of Kings and Queens in far off places, to just here on earth, continues to thrive. Yes, I'm happily married to the love of my life, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to stop writing sappy love clichés that we all enjoy, no matter if we admit it or not.

So, I've taken it upon myself to write this story on the side, waiting until it was completed to post it for you all to read. No waiting for updates, no wondering when it will be updated, and how long it will take to see the story. None of that will happen. This book has been completed, though it's short, I made sure to pack it full of love, funny moments, and hopefully some jokes that will make you laugh or bring a smile to your wonderful face!

I got the idea for this book a few months back when I was watching Phantom of the Opera. Something about the masquerade scene just makes me want to go inside the film and live it. If it be the costumes, dances, or just the beautiful surroundings, I don't care because I love it too much. And then, I've noticed that I'll get on a jag of a certain type of book. For a while it was business men and CEO's of large companies. So, I thought that I would put the two together with my own twist. And, thus, MASQUERADE was born! And I have to say, I'm over the moon on how it turned out. No, there will not be a sequel, this is a one off book. But, I have a few others that I'm working on as well. If this one gets positive feedback, then I'll continue to write short love stories. Besides, we all need one to curl up to at the end of the night and get lost in the pages! Right? Hopefully this can be one of those books!

Also, the week that I post this, I will be away on vacation in a different country. Therefore... I won't be able to read comments or see how the book is doing. But, please, by all means, comments and tell me your thoughts! I always love to hear them!

So anyway, thank you love, for everything. You are the reason that I have taken the time out of each day -when I can- to write for all of you. Anyway, without another word, I hope you enjoy the journey of Masquerade!

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