Chapter Two

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I've been obsessed with this song for Months, and it seemed to go with this chapter perfectly. I don't know how these guys aren't discovered yet. Go take a listen to it, and maybe download it on Sound Cloud. I'm sure they would appreciate it!

Enjoy my loves!


Monica woke up the next morning with a heavy and strong arm draped over the bend of her waist. She smiled, remembering the previous nights events and felt the aftermath of such mind blowing orgasms and world changing sex. Slowly working her way out of the bed, she looked down at Noah's sleep form, soft snores filled the elegant room as he snuggled into the pillow that she placed where her body once was. A blush came to her cheeks as he let out a sigh, a soft smile on his lips as she slowly worked her way around the room. With her dress and heels, along with her underwear ripped from her body, she decided to take his boxers as a gift since he had ruined her new lingerie. Slipping on the silk fabric of the boxer briefs, she rolled them to where they were like that of a pair of her Sophie running shorts. Comfortable and with the hint of his addicting cologne, she knew she would send these back to him after taking them to the dry cleaners.

Slipping into her dress and making her way to the bathroom, careful to make sure that the door didn't make a sound and she didn't turn on the light, Monica looked at her appearance in the bathroom mirror. With her hair in wild curls and her makeup smudged on her face, she instantly knew that it would be a mistake to leave the Oxwind without cleaning up a little. Looking around for a moment to see if she could find something to tame the curls, she was happy to find Noah's comb in the top drawer by his toothbrush. And with her breath smiling as horrid as it was, she would need to use that too.

Monica prayed that he wouldn't wake before she left, and she could leave a thank you note to him. That had been the first time in over a year that she opened herself to a man, and enjoyed the feeling of sex. Pleasure she received not from her hand when she was too sexually frustrated. Perhaps it was time that she started focusing slightly on relationships outside of work? It wouldn't hurt, and she was twenty three now. A grown, independent woman, who had worked hard for what she had accomplished in life.

After a few moments in the bathroom of using the tooth brush and combing out the tangles of her hair, she took a few pieces of tissue paper and added a little bit of hand soap to clean off the smudges under her eyes. It was as good as it was going to get. Making quick work of pinning back a few pieces of hair so the large waves fell down her back elegantly, she made her way into the bedroom. Letting out a breath that she had no idea that she was holding, she thanked God that he was still fast asleep, holding the pillow close to him. A smile played on her face as she saw his naked and muscular back, moving slowly as he took steady breaths. With parted lips and his stubble growing over his chiseled cheeks, he would be a sight to see in the morning. And she was grateful that she had gotten to spend time with him.

In more than one way.

She knew her heels would be by the entrance of the pent house suit, so she went over to the bed side table where a stack of papers and pen were located, complementary of the hotel. Writing a quick note, she looked over it to make sure nothing was misspelled and her cursive writing could be understood.

Her mask laid beside his on the floor, the rose gold of the feather and peacock seeming to complement the golden flakes on his simple black mask. Lifting it, she placed it beside the note and made her way to the exit.

Freezing as she heard a deep intake a breath, Monica didn't make a sound as her hand laid on the doorknob, afraid to wake him up. Never in her life had she been so intimidated by doing the walk of shame. But, why should she be ashamed of something so wonderful and blissful? They were both consenting adults, and were perfectly capable of making their own choices with who they wished to bring to bed. Looking over her shoulder, she let out a breath of relief as she saw him slowly go back into a deep sleep, the snores following soon after. With that, she opened the door, careful to shut it quietly, and walk over to her heels and clutch.

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