Curtain Call

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Monica smiled, removing her headphones that rested on her ears, looking at the recording artist that sat on the opposite side of the glass window that kept the room sound proof.

"How was that?" she asked with a smile, playing with her ring that was on her finger. Mikael gave the thumbs up, happy with the final recording. "YAY!" She said before hopping off the stool. For five months now, she had been working on the Change album, her second album, where all the money that it made would be sent to different charities over the world. The Change movement had started a year ago, courtesy of her husband Noah Johnson. Deciding that the world was too large of a place with so much misery, they had reached out to different artists all across the globe, and had been able to reach out into each community, starting a small movement. She hoped, with this album, it would reach someone who hadn't heard about the movement, and would give their day a little light.

That was all she had ever wanted, after all. To make someone smile and give back. She had been blessed, more than blessed, with a loving family, a career on Broadway that had ended two years after her wedding day to Noah, only to be signed for a recording contract. Now, with their fourth year anniversary, they were sharing it with someone special. Someone who was yet to arrive. It was only a matter of time before they did.

"Thanks for coming in on short notice. I just didn't have that back tracking vocal that it needed. Want to hear it played back?" he asked, ready to press the buttons and get it going. She smiled, shaking her head.

"Nah, I need to head out. And Samuel will be waiting for you by now, along with the girls. You always do amazing, so I trust your judgment on this, as always." she said, slipping on her jacket. She was dressed in sweatpants and a long sleeved sweater, and Uggs on her feet to keep them warm. It was now December, Christmas Eve, and the snow was covering the ground of New York.

"Okay, I'll see you at the New Years party, yeah?" he asked, getting ready to download and save things until he could come back after the holidays. She nodded, making sure her hair was up on her head in a messy ponytail before grabbing her bag and heading out the door, wrapping her arms around Mikael in a hug. Pulling back, he looked down at her with a confused expression. "Did you do something different... with your hair or makeup?" he asked, raising a brow. She smiled, shaking her head.

"No. I think winter and no makeup agree with me." she said, clearly wearing no makeup at all. He laughed, nodding his head. "I love you, and I'll see you at the New Years party! My presents better be waiting for me!" she called as she left, earning a laugh in return.

"You better believe they will be!" he said with a smile. "LOVE YOU TOO!" And like that, she was in the hallway, deciding to take the stairs. James was waiting down in lobby, a smile on his face as he was on the phone with his wife. She had grown close to him, loving his company after the awkwardness had left a few weeks after their engagement. Noah had been persistent, wanting her to move in since she made him wait until the end of the season before their wedding. But, she had been persistent as well, saying she wanted to wait until they were a month away before moving in. And in return, her parents had moved from North Dakota into her old apartment on the Waterfront. They loved it, and since Monica allowed Menchie to breed and have kittens, her father now had two of his own.

James smiled, ending the call as he stood up to greet Monica. "Ready to go, Monica?" he asked, opening the door.

"Thank you. Yes, I have one last present to wrap before Noah gets home." she said with a smile. James nodded, holding her close as the snowy wind blew around them as he led her to the Lincoln. Getting into the back, she shivered from the cold, loving the flakes in the air. He was all smiles as they turned into the road, heading back to the penthouse. Christmas music filled the car, classic song after song, causing both of them to smile and sing along. "Noah has told you that you have the rest of the year off, right?" she asked a few minutes later as they got caught in traffic.

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