Chapter Four

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Three weeks had passed since Noah had come home with Monica, and she had realized how amazing life was starting to turn for her. With her vacation for the next few weeks, and nothing to do besides clean and catch up with some old friends, she had found herself going and spending time with Noah more than usual. Dropping her keys on the island, Menchie trotted in behind her, meowing and purring happily. They had spent the day in the park, getting some fresh air, and then stopping by the local pet shot to get the happy feline some treats. Bending down to pick the cat up, she laughed as Menchie went limp like a rag doll, letting her undo the leash.

Taking off her tennis shoes, she walked over to the living room, making sure that her phone was still in her pocket. Turning on the television, she blinked a few times when she was looking at her own face.

"Broadway's upcoming star Monica Dellwoods has certainly caught our attention with her powerful voice. But, our attention isn't the only she's captured! Since the Charity ball a few weeks, Monica has been seen spending a surprising amount of time with the untouchable bachelor Noah Johnson himself." she went wide eyed, looking at the flat screen as she leaned forward. Menchie was in her lap, purring happily as she curled into a large furry ball.

"Sources say they've seen the two together almost every day since the event that introduced them. And, it certainly seems this beauty has swept this man off his feet." Pictures of the two dancing in the ball room, laughing together, and sitting together and eating went across the screen. She saw how their eyes sparkled when they looked at one another. But, that was just the alcohol in her system... surely. "Could it be love in the air for this young couple?" another picture of them ice skating the other night came on the television. He had rented the entire rink for a few hours, just for them, so they could have alone time and get to know one another better. It had been the most romantic date she had ever been on. "Or perhaps Monica has just fallen into his web of sex and lust?

"More to come, tonight at ten. This is Janet Samuel signing out." Monica looked at the screen, her jaw dropped a few feet, practically hanging off the floor, and just stared. How in the world had they taken all those pictures? Picture after picture showed up of them walking and holding hands, Noah kissing her before she went into her apartment complex. Everything that they had done, it was now photographed. Sure, she had been followed by the paparazzi a few times, but nothing like this. Then again, Noah was a big deal in the world of business. She had done her research.

Over the course of six years, Noah had transformed his father's small company into a billion dollar empire where thousands of workers and hours were invested. She had been completely astonished by how Noah -the man that had come up to her in a black and golden mask- was this powerful man. It almost seemed... unreal, like something out of a romance novel. But, this wasn't fiction, this was her life. Taking a calming breath, she turned the television channel to a movie channel, turning it down low for some back ground music. Her phone started to buzz, tell her she was getting a call, but it sounded like it was coming from the other end of a tunnel.

How had they gotten the photographs? She knew people were sneaky, but for crying out loud, she would have seen a large lens pointed toward her direction, wouldn't she? Apparently not.

The phone rang again, and she looked to see that it was Sam calling. Probably asking her if this was the man she had been spending all this time with. Hell, he was probably looking at his person files now to give him a full background check. Sam was the brother she had always wanted: protective, funny, and a best friend loyal until the end. Biting her lip, she unlocked the phone to answer it. Bringing it up to her ears, she listened to Sam let out a breath of relief.

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