Chapter Five

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Enjoy loves! :)

True to his word, Noah had called when he had gotten to his hotel. But, that had been exactly a month ago. And now, with Monica back on board fully for the next season of Phantom of the Opera -coming to the conclusion that this was the best choice for her carrier- she didn't have much time to focus on anything other than work. Because she was spending so much time in the studio, working on choreography, Menchie had been spending a lot of time outside of the apartment. Luckily only a few staff members were allergic to her, but they refused to allow that to stop them from enjoying the felines company, along with petting her.

"Alright, let's run it one more time. FIVE. SIX! FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!" The music started to go again for Masquerade, and Monica was in time with the music, fan in hand, and hand in her dance partner's. They had gone over this for the past two hours, trying to polish everything, and since the choreography had been slightly changed, it was best they went over things now and got it in their mind. For over a year, she had been with the Wicked crew, learning the dances, lines, positions, and queues for when she would enter and exit the stage. "GOOD!" She heard the director and Choreographer say in unison. She smiled, letting her body glide across the floor with her partner, their arms and hands wrapped around each other as they circled and danced, humming the music and tones.

Why hasn't he called me or answered the messages that I've sent him? Maybe I really was shooting the bullet wanting to see where we went? But, perhaps it was okay for just a little while. Letting out a sigh, she finished the dance and they were given five to get some water and relax, catch their breath, stretch, etcetera. She had given up trying to get ahold of him after a week, but even when she tried to contact him, Monica tried to stay reasonable with her reaching. Only two texts to see if he would respond. If he didn't respond to the second, she wouldn't message again. The last day, she had only called him once, but was left with voicemail instantly. Taking the hint that had been given to her easily, she just gave him his space.

Isn't this what she wanted, though? To have time away from him so she could clear her head and focus on her job? At first, yes. But, the longer the days ticked by, minutes during into hours and centuries of waiting, she found herself wishing to see him. It was ridiculous to think that there was something between them. But, the laughs that they had shared, and the mind blowing sex? They were all good memories to hold onto. And for that, she would always thank him for the gift that he gave her: freedom and knowing what it was like to be yourself.

"Miss Monica!" she heard from behind her. Bringing the bottle of water away from her lips, she swallowed just in time to see her friend jogging up to her. Instantly smiling, she opened her arms wide as she was greeted with Juliet Matthews: her understudy and dear friend. The two had made a pact with each other, along with the Director, that they would have equal time on the stage. Four shows each, every week, allowing them both to be in the spot light, but also behind the scene and take breaks between shows. It worked out perfectly, and with them having similar features besides the color of their eyes and hair, they stayed together quite often. If only they were as close outside of work as they were in work. But, Tanya was her best friend for a reason. And, now with Wicked back on once more, she was hardly ever free.

"Why is it you always do that to get my attention? You know it doesn't settle right with me," Monica joked at her, bumping her hip with Juliet's. She giggled, pushing a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear, green eyes bright as she looked down at her.

"It works, doesn't it?" she asked with a smirk. Monica laughed at her, walking behind her as they moved out into the hallway by the exit, opening the door to let some air inside. Dancers and friends littered the hallway and space, all smiling and talking with one another. They were all one big, happy family here on Broadway, and that made her smile. But, sadly, some of her friends had moved over to The Lion King, going on tour across North America for the year.

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