Learn to say I love you.

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Hi, this is my first wattpad creation. I'm only an amateur writer and this may have a few spelling and grammar mistakes as I wrote it late at night. But I hope you enjoy it. It's not very long but I couldn't think of anything else to add to it. But anyway...

💙Chapter 1💙

It was a cold, wintery day despite it only being autumn. The leaves had turned a golden brown and were slowing falling and drifting slowly to the ground. Maia and Ryder were lying on a picnic blanket under an old maple tree in Hyde park. A leaf drifted onto Maia's dark hair, which was sprawled around her face, and Ryder gently brushed it away. Maia smiled, her bright blue eyes shining. She had been friends with Ryder for as long as she could remember. His mop of brown hair that was never tidy and his dark green eyes that were simply mystifying had become so common to her.

"Hey Maia." Ryder said, a quizzical tone to his voice.

"Yes, Ryder." Maia replied with a fake posh accent. Ryder smiled then rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow to look and Maia. He stuttered as he tried to find the words to explain what he felt.

"C'mon. Spit it out. I have to be home soon." She looked at Ryder with an impatient smile before sitting up herself and sitting, cross-legged, in front of Ryder.

"Well..I..Its just that..I was wondering..." Ryder stumbled as he tried to find the right words.

"I was wondering..what you had planned for next weekend?" he said finally. Of course, this is not what he meant to say. But in the heat of the moment, it was the best he could come up with. Maia smiled all the same and replied cheerfully.

"Well, the carnivals coming to town isn't it? I thought we could go there."

"Sounds great." Ryder exclaims. He loved doing things with Maia and this would be a perfect opportunity to tell her that he wanted to spend more time with her. And tell her how he really felt.

"Well we can plan it at school, times and stuff, okay?"


A car horn sounded near the edge of the park. Maia's mum was standing at the door of her car waving at Maia and Ryder.

"I've got to go." Maia said hurriedly.

"Okay, well I'll see you Monday then?" he extended his hand out towards Maia. She slapped his hand twice then hugged him. He hugged back.

"You sure will." she replied "You sure you don't want a lift home?"

"Nah, mum won't be home for a little while and I forgot my keys. I'll spend a little time around here then walk home."

"Okay, bye then."


Maia turned and ran towards her car her brown hair trailing behind her. Her mum waved and Ryder and he waved back. Then he turned away, packed up the picnic stuff and started to walk home. A car horn alerted him to Maia waving at home as she drove away and Ryder waved back with his free hand. He continued to walk.

'Why didn't you just tell her you idiot.' he thought. 'You had the perfect opportunity and you blew it.' he scuffed his shoe on the pavement and adjusted his hold on his load.

'At least you have the carnival next weekend. You have to tell her then.' He made the deal to himself and starting thinking of ways to tell her. By the time he got home the sun was setting over the hills at the back of his farm. He went inside, said 'hi' to his mum then went outside to enjoy the sunset. He was happy with himself because he had come up with the perfect scenario to tell Maia. He was finally going to do it. He was going to tell Maia he loved her.

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