Chapter 2

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💙Chapter 2💙

Maia lay in bed, the early morning sun peeking through a gap in her curtains creating a peachy glow to her pale pink walls. She groaned and rolled over onto her side, pulling her doona over her head. Maia was not a morning person and today wasn't any different to any other Monday. Her alarm would go off at 7:00, she'd lie in bed until 7:30, then be racing around the house trying to get ready by 7:45.

It was nearing the 7:30 mark by the time Maia rolled over and looked at her clock.

"Not again!" she scolded herself as she pulled herself out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. She had been trying to get up on time lately. But so far, it wasn't successful.

"MAIA!" her mum called from downstairs. "HURRY UP!"

"COMING MUM!" she yelled back. She quickly packed the right books, swung her bag on her shoulder and raced downstairs. She grabbed the toast her mum had made her, kissed her on the cheek and raced out the door to catch the bus just coming around the corner. She arrived at the bus stop just as the bus was pulling up. She climbed up, flashed her student ID then went to find an empty seat. Since Ryder didn't catch the bus and she didn't have many other friends. She often opted to sitting by herself. Luckily today there was a free seat so she quickly sat down and tasked herself with staring out the window.

Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder. Maia quickly spun around to come face to face with a boy, but not as she expected. This boy was exceptionally nerdy. Pimples, glasses, braces. The whole lot. He seemed to have a certain glow to him though, and Maia seemed drawn to him.

"May I sit here, please." the boy asked politely.

"Oh, Uh, yeah, sure." Maia replied in a stutter and moved her bag from the seat to space near her feet. The boy sat down awkwardly. Sitting right in the edge of the seat, as far as could possibly get from Maia. Maia was slightly offended and wanted to show this boy that she wouldn't bite.

"Hi, I'm Maia." she said brightly and extended her hand towards the boy.

"Kyle." he replied shyly, shaking Maia's hand briefly before quickly placing it back in his lap. Maia slowly returned her hand to her lap, she thought the boy would've been happy to have someone talk to him, especially because he was new, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"So, where are you from?" she asked trying to be nice to this new person, Kyle. He gave her a sideways glance then replied.

"Brooklyn, I've come here on scholarship."

Maia was surprised, she new her school was popular but she didn't know people would come overseas to attend.

"Wow. I'm only a local that was lucky to get in." Maia smiled. Kyle didn't return it.

"What is your scholarship for then?"

"Physics." he said simply. Maia accepted this and took his simple answer as a sign that he didn't want to talk anymore. So they rode the rest of the way to school in silence.

Maia didn't see Kyle for the rest of the day. And she didn't mind. She spent the day with Ryder and one of her friends, Ellaina. That weekend they all went to the carnival. Ellaina went walking with her boyfriend, Jay, so Maia and Ryder were spending the night walking around, going on rides and eating.

The last ride they decided they'd go on was the ferris wheel. They had already gone on the dodgem cars and most of the other rides at the carnival and they thought that the ferris wheel would be a nice way to end the night. Ryder also loved this idea, because it was all part of his plan to confess his love to Maia. They get into a red carridge and start going around. After one full rotation looking at the sights from the ferris wheel, Ryder starts up a conversation.

"Hey Maia"


"We've been friends for ages, right"


"and nothing could change that, right"

"Right" Maia looked at Ryder skeptically. "but what are you getting at? Are you going to tell me your a zombie and want to eat my brains? Because in that case, I may have to un-friend you."

Ryder laughed nervously and shook his head.

"No, I'm not a zombie so your brains safe with me." he smiled nervously. "No, it's something else."

"Well, spit it out then. We'll have to get off soon."

"Well, it's about I just show you." Ryder gently got up and changed sides so he was sitting next to Maia. Maia looked at him patiently her big blue eyes looking up at him with anticipation.

'You can do this.' he thought to himself. He leant in towards Maia and gently kissed her on the cheek. He pulled back to see Maia smiling back at him.

"Good try," she chided. Ryder face fell and he looked at his hand in his lap.


"But you missed." she smiled at him and Ryder looked up at her, clearly confused.

"What do you mean."

"I mean, you missed." she laughed slightly before leaning towards Ryder and kissing him gently on the mouth.

"Oh, that's what you mean." Ryder laughs and reaches out and puts his hands around Maia's waist.

"But would you continue explaining." he smiles shyly.

"Sure, it is a very long lesson to learn." she smiled back and leant in again to kiss Ryder. He pulled her closer towards his body and Maia laced her fingers through his hair. They remained like this until they came to a standstill and the base of the ferris wheel.

"Well, that was fun." Maia exclaims as she climbs out of the ferris wheel. Ryder laughed.

"Yes, it was." Ryder smiled and put his hand put to Maia. She laced her fingers through his and continued walking around the carnival.

They were eating fairy floss when Maia spotted Kyle.

"Hey, Ryder, I'll be back in a sec, okay?" she hands her fairy floss to Ryder.

"Oh, Uh, yeah okay." he replied as Maia ran off through the crowd. Ryder sighed. He was feeling a little bit put of place when he heard someone calling his name.

"Ryder!" She called out.

"Hi Elle." he replied when she reached him. Elle was slightly out of breath so she spoke to Ryder with shortened breaths.

"It's...Maia...she was...knocked...over there..."

-----Authors note-----

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this. I really appreciate it. I only had _ reads but it's nice knowing that someone's enjoying this. Chapter 3 is ready to go. But I'll wait to post it. I still need to start chapter 4. This is where the drama begins. Hehehe. I'm also writing 'The Bronte Diaries'. So updates might be a bit later than usual. Happy reading. :)

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