Chapter 4

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💙Chapter 4💙

Ryder's alarmed beeped. Ryder reached over and turned it off. He was already awake, in fact he barely slept, but the alarm signified that he could now go and wake his mum up, then force her to take him to the hospital. He pushed himself out of bed, changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and walked down the hall. He stood, and took a deep breath before knocking on the door to his mothers bedroom. When he heard no reply, he gently pushed open the door. His mother was sleeping quietly on her bed. Looking so small on the bed without her husband. Mr Hart was out on a business trip, like he often was. He was rarely home, and even when he was, he was often at work or at meetings. He never had enough time for his kids. Ever.

Ryder sighed at the sight of his mother, sleeping so soundly, he almost felt bad about waking her up. Almost. He walked over to the side of her bed and gently shook her shoulder.

"Mum, wake up." He chided softly. She mourned slightly and rolled over but didn't wake up. Ryder tried again.

"Mum. Wake up. You said you'd take me to the hospital today." He said a bit louder. Shaking her shoulder a bit more. She rolled over and slapped Ryder's hand.

"It's too early." She moaned "wake me up again later."

"Mum. It's 8 o'clock." Ryder replied simply. A slight grin inching onto his face as he rolled his eyes.

"Liar!" She retorted, but she still rolled over to check.

"Crap!" She exclaimed "I mean, you were right, I'll get up. Get your sister ready and be ready to leave in 10.

"Mum, make sure your ready in 10." He relied slyly. Jenna slapped his hand and sat up.

"Oh go away, Ry." She laughed playfully, pushing him out of her room. He stumbled slightly and walked out of her room. Closing the door behind him. He continued down the hall and knocked in Felicity's door, it didn't take long for her to get to the door. She was still dressed in her pj's but her hair was pulled off he face and she was wearing her glasses.

"What's up?" She asked

"We're going to see Maia, be ready in 10, okay."

"Okay." Felicity closed the door and Ryder went back into his room. He sat on his bed and grabbed his phone and texted Elle.

'Going to see Maia, will text you when I get back with any news.'

He shoved his phone in his pocket and grabbed his earphones and shoved them in as well. He then left his room, collected his mum and sister and before he knew it he was driving towards the hospital, music blaring in his ears. 'Anthem of the Angels' by Breaking Benjamin. Usually one of his favourite songs. But today, it filled him with bad thoughts so as soon as he heard it, he took his ear phones out and rode the rest of the way in silence.

When they pulled into the hospital car park Ryder couldn't hear anything but his own pounding heartbeat. He slowly got out of the car and strode towards the tall steel building before him. With one thought running through his head a he stepped through the doors...


***Authors Note***

Hey, this is really just a filler chapter. As us the next chapter but I assure you it's all leading to more exiting stuff. And I know it may seem like a hassle but if you are reading this. Please comment. Because I have, like, 16 reads. But I think they are all me. :/ anyway. Thank you for reading. Sorry for not updating in ages.


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