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Sunset Shimmer ran through the sidewalks nearly tripping on the leaves that stood in the way. She kept on apologising to people she had accidently ran into. Eventually, she reached her destination which was Canterlot High. She saw her other friends at the front of the school as well; Specifically Rainbow Dash.

Sunset stopped to catch her breath. "Rainbow Dash, I got your message!" She exclaimed, "What is it!? Did something happen!? Did something come through the portal!? Is it Princess Twilight, or Prince Shadow!? Did they come through the portal and need our help!? Is it something only we can solve!?"

Pinkie came in and exclaimed, "Is it a cake monster that turned everything in the world into cake!?"

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head before she went to pick up her guitar, "Well... Not exactly."

Sunset couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean by, not exactly?"

Applejack had said, "Well I was just telling Rainbow Dash that a broken guitar string is not considered an emergency."

Rarity had said in disbelief, "Is that all that was? I was in the middle of costume designing."

Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash as she pet her bunny Angel, "And I was just about to put the animals to bed for the night. Now I'm going to have to start story time again."

"Sorry guys, I couldn't help it." Rainbow Dash said, "I was just going to show our fans how we pony-up every time we play." She was of course referring to, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. "Hi." The three of them said at the same time.

"But I need all six strings in order to do it." Rainbow Dash said slightly embarrassed, she turned to the others, "You guys got any extras?" The five of them couldn't help but shake their heads. Sunset went through her bag, and managed to find a string. She handed it to Rainbow Dash, and she tied up the string on her guitar.

"Practice ended hours ago though." Sunset said zipping up her backpack, "I don't the rooms are open right now."

"True, but the PA systems in the hallways make for great acoustics." Rainbow Dash said before playing a chord, "You guys don't mind helping me out do you?"

"Well, I guess we don't got much choice." Applejack said with a smile.

They all followed inside the school all except Sunset. "You coming Sunset?" Applejack asked her.

"I'll catch up in a minute." Sunset told her. Applejack nodded and went inside with the others.

Sunset sat down on the steps and pulled out a book that had her symbol on it. She started writing a letter.

"Dear Princess Twilight,

How are things with you, Prince Shadow and the others? Things have been quiet since the Battle of the Bands. Well, quiet in our terms anyway. Rainbow Dash still likes to show us off everytime we play our instruments, but you know how she is with that stuff? The others really miss you guys and are hoping you visit soon; they really miss hearing your stories all about your adventures and cases. Pinkie Pie, especially is looking forward to seeing Afro again. From what she's told me she says that there is a chocolate cake that she baked just for him is waiting, when he's got time to stop by of course.

Anyways, I hope you write back soon.

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer"

Thus Sunset closed her book and let out a sigh. It had only been months since she had seen Twilight and her friends at Canterlot High, but at the time they had their troubles with sirens that were banished from Equestria. Since than, she or any of the others hadn't seen much of them recently, nor have heard anything since her last letter to Twilight who was a Princess. It was strange to her; it had felt like months and yet it seemed like years went by for her. It wasn't just her that was like this, the others had felt the same as well.

They all had friends from the alternate world to which they came from and they really did miss them with all of their hearts, and hoped they would come and visit again soon. So far however, they had gotten, no reply, not even a sign about them ever returning. Of course, this most likely all the problems they had back in there own world and such, but still, they couldn't help but feel missed.

Sure, everything was normal, if no one counted the fact that magic exists now for the main six, and yet still, Sunset couldn't help feel this emptiness inside. She felt that something was missing, but she didn't know what exactly.

She was too busy wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice that there were two suspicious figures getting off a bus just in front of the school building. Both of them appeared to be teenage girls and they wore a pair of the same blue jeans and sneakers that were in the shade of purple. The only difference was the hoodies that they were wearing; one wore a light green hoodie, while the other wore a dark red hoodie.

One of them also appeared to hold in their hand a radar of some kind. They both walked toward the statue that had stood just a few feet away from the entrance. They felt the marble wall around the statue until one of them had discovered a ripple in it when the radar started to go haywire. The girl let the other know and she saw it as well when she placed her hand on it. They both couldn't help but be in awe by it.

It was only than Sunset had finally noticed them, right in front of the portal.

"Hey!" She called out to them, getting their attention. Both of them looked nervous when they saw that Sunset had spotted them.

"What are you two doing here?!" Sunset had continued to call out.

One of the girls had grabbed the others hand and quickly made a break for it. Sunset ran after them while shouting, "WAIT! STOP!"

They both ran across the street; Sunset was about to follow but was stopped by incoming traffic. A bus had stopped for the two young girls and they went inside with a quick pace.

"HEY WAIT A SECOND!" Sunset called out to them. But before she knew it, the bus had droved off, leaving Sunset in the dust. Sunset caught her breath and looked to the bus that the two.

She couldn't help but wonder as she saw the bus get further and further away.

"Who were they?" She asked aloud.

Inside the bus that had just droved off, the two teenage girls sat in the backseat of the bus. When they saw they were a safe distance away they removed their hoods, both of them sighing with relief. One revealed to to have purple and blueish kind of hair that was tied into a bun, with a magenta and lighter purple streak; she also possessed a pair of purple eyes and brown glasses.

The other had short brown hair with small brown pigtails that held together with a pair of red pearls, and possessed emerald green eyes. "Phew..." The girl with brown hair said, "That was close."

"A bit too close is more like it." The girl with purple eyes told her, "But at least we got what we needed."

"Are you sure Twilight?" She asked her, "It doesn't really seem like it's enough though."

"Don't worry Cherry." The girl named Twilight said to the girl named Cherry, "We've got more than enough from the field test. This will do, at least for today anyway."

The bus had gotten into the city and soon enough stopped in front of another school that they both knew all to well. They entered the school building and gotten into a room that was filled with notes on the walls centering around Canterlot High.

Twilight had gotten up a new note, which was the statue in front of the school. Cherry went to go ahead an type the information they had gotten in the computer and as for Twilight she was starting to build her own little invention. Both of them couldn't help but wonder the same thing.

"What exactly is happening at Canterlot High?"

(Opening Theme: Soul Eater NOT Opening 1 Monochrome)

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