Chapter 9: True Power and Redemption

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(Second Opening Theme: Soul Eater Repeat Show Opening 2-Northern Lights)

No one could believe what was happening right now. The once two shy and insecure girls now turned into something that was... Unthinkable. The outcome of the transformation was indeed surprising to all who have bared witness to it, and everyone had equally felt a uneasy vibe come off of them both, and they all couldn't but be frozen with fear by them.

The two sisters gave out a horrific laughter, sending a chill in everyone's spine. They turned to Sunset, and the now Midnight Twilight had said, "You were right! My dear sister and I didn't understand magic before!"

The now Blood Cherry added, "Well guess what!? WE DO NOW!"

Blood Cherry held out her hand and the sword from the second event had materialized once more; she grabbed it with both hands and with just one swing from her sword a wave of energy made from the sword collided with the Wondercolt statue, and it had shattered on impact.

But as soon as the Wondercolt statue shatter a portal had opened to--

"EQUESTRIA!" Sunset exclaimed

Cherry let out another swing and hitting the wall of the school, and a portal opened up to what appeared to be a city.

"Wait a minute!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "Isn't that Downtown Central City!?"

Many tears started to appear around the area, and this time Midnight Twilight fired an energy beam, to open a few. One of them appeared to lead an island in the middle of the ocean with a house that was labeled, "Kame House"*. The second one opened up to a place filled with monsters with masks*. The third opened up to a band of ninjas in the middle of what appeared to be a warzone*, and many others had followed.

(*References to DBZ, Bleach, and Naruto Shippuden)

Portals had opened above students and to the sides, each one of them containing a different world. Each of them had their own location; Of course the students first reaction was to run away from it and avoid going through them.

Cinch was about to go away with all the chaos happening but was stopped by Sunny Flare. "HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" Sunny Flare shouted to her.

"Anywhere to avoid those... Monsters!" Cinch had said, "And I suggest you do the same!"

She ran off and Sunny Flare couldn't but look to her other teammates all of them equally unsure of what to do.

-Somewhere Out In Space-

T.O.M was just sitting around in his ship, minding his own business, when all of a sudden alarms started to go off throughout the entire ship. The alarms made him nearly jump out of his seat.

Large bold red letters had read across the screen, "WARNING: MANY DIMENSIONAL RIFTS DETECTED; LOCATION, SECTOR 18975."

T.O.M quickly looked up the coordinates that the computer had sent, and saw where it was originating from.

T.O.M said, "SARA, get the Crossover Crew on the line, now!"

SARA replied, "Understood T.O.M."

-Back at Canterlot High-

Midnight Twilight and Blood Cherry continued to open portals that lead into another world; each one different after another. They stopped for a moment when they heard Sunset call out to them.

"TWILIGHT! CHERRY!" Sunset shouted to them, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"

"Why not!?" Midnight Twilight said to Sunset, "They're whole other worlds right there! And they're just ours for the taking!!"

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