Chapter 14

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"How is all of this real?" Bella asked Edward later that night. "None of this makes sense."

Edward smiled gently at her. "I know it's confusing. "It was for me, too at first."

Bella frowned then. "Carlisle said that he wanted to tell me something. Do you know what it was?"

Edward seemed to be listening for a moment, before smiling at Bella again. "Carlisle would like to speak with you." Before she could ask the question, Edward tapped his ear and laughed. "I'll explain it to you later."

Bella made her way down to Carlisle's study. She knocked twice on the open door, peering into the room. Carlisle smiled as she slowly entered the room. "Hi. Um, Edward said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes. I heard your conversation with Edward. Esme and I were talking a few days ago. We wanted to run this by you before any final decisions were made." Carlisle folded his hands on the desk and leaned forward a bit. "We would like to adopt you."

Bella looked at Carlisle in surprise and shock. "Really? You want to adopt me?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yes. It would be unofficial, of course."

This clearly confused her. "Wait, why would it be unofficial?"

Carlisle leaned back in his chair now. "For each vampire, there is someone for them. We call these someone's 'mates'. You would call them soulmates. There is a very strong bond between mates, however humans don't feel it as strongly as vampires do. The reason for this is because vampires' senses are heightened after their change. Everything is stronger. You've felt a connection to Edward, haven't you?"

"Yes," Bella answered slowly. "That would explain my confusion on feeling connected to someone I had just met."

Carlisle nodded. "That is why it would be unofficial. As far as people in this town are concerned, Esme and I adopted our children. They think it's official, but they also are unaware of the truth about us. If they knew, the consequences could be drastic."

Bella quirked a brow in agreement. "I can't imagine why."

Carlisle laughed. "Yes, well. Would you like to be part of our family, Bella? We all consider you a part of it already, but the final decision is up to you."

The answering smile she gave him was one of pure happiness. "I would like that very much."

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