Chapter 17

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Bella could feel a horrible headache starting. Her head was dully throbbing, and her arm hurt terribly. She could feel some sort of wrapping on her leg and wrist, though she couldn't tell what it was. She hadn't yet opened her eyes. 

"Is he here yet?" a familiar voice questioned.

"No," a female voice answered. 

There was a sigh and a shuffling of feet. "I'm going to sit with her until she wakes up. It shouldn't be too much longer." There was no response from the second person, only the quiet clicking of a door as it shut. 

Slowly, Bella opened her eyes. She squinted at the harsh light shining down on her. Bella attempted to take a deep breath in, but her chest was tight so she ended up coughing instead. Carlisle was suddenly there, holding her hand. 

"Bella," he whispered. "How do you feel?"

Still squinting at the lights, she looked up at him. "I feel like I've been hit by a train. My head hurts, and my arm is sore."

Carlisle frowned as he inserted a needle into the IV attached to her arm. "This should help with the pain," he told her. "Do you remember what happened?"


Carlisle watched his daughter closely, waiting for her to speak again. He could see her eyes scanning the room, and he knew who she was looking for. "He isn't here. Edward's on his way."

"Carlisle," she croaked out. After drinking a glass of water he had given her, she tried again. "Who stopped it?" Bella's eyes burned with a desire to know who had saved her from James. 

He sighed heavily and pulled up a chair, never letting go of Bella's hand. "I did," Carlisle avoided her gaze, which made her widen her eyes with surprise. This behavior was unlike him. "Edward, he..." his brows pulled together in a frown. "He couldn't bring himself to suck out the venom."

Bella's mind raced as she tried to understand what he was saying. "He what? Edward didn't... Why?"

"I wish I could tell you, Bella." Carlisle met her gaze, his eyes swimming with sadness and regret. "I should have gone with you." He shook his head. 

A lump rose in her throat as Bella's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry," she choked out. "Carlisle, this is my fault. I never should have gone in the woods alone. I went too far and I wasn't thinking, and-"

Carlisle suddenly had her wrapped up in his arms, holding her tightly in his lap. "Shh, Bella. It's alright. At least you're safe, that's the important thing."

The door opened then and in walked Edward. An expression of relief crossed his face as he noticed Bella was awake. He immediately rushed to her side. "Bella, you're awake. I was so worried."

Bella pulled away from his hand as he laid it on her shoulder. Meeting his probing eyes, she could see the hurt on his face. "Please leave me alone."

"What?" Edward questioned in shock. "Bella, I don't understand."

"You couldn't save me," her voice was muffled. She had tucked her face into Carlisle's chest as she spoke. "You didn't save me. I thought..." Bella looked at him then. "Why didn't you save me?"

Edward needed her to understand. "Bella, please listen to me. I knew that once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop. I want nothing more than to taste your blood, if only to satisfy my natural instincts." Edward's eyes were begging. "You've already been through so much. I couldn't take the risk that I would lose my control and never see you smile again. Bella, I love you so much, and I need you with me forever."

Bella sighed. "I want to believe you," she told him. "But... if you really love me as much as you say you do, then you'd have the control you need. Edward, I've never been in a relationship before. I don't know what this is like. But I do know that trust is what relationships are based upon."

"I know, Bella, and I'm sorry." Edward took her hand firmly in his own. "Please understand that I never wanted to hurt you."

Bella broke away from his gaze long enough to search the room. What she was looking for, neither Edward nor Carlisle knew. Bella's eyes locked onto the stray needle lying on the counter next to her bed. Reaching over, she gently picked it up and uncapped the tip. 

"Bella, what are you doing?" Carlisle questioned. While he was curious to see what she would do, he couldn't help but feel nervous as well. 

"Edward," she started. "I want you to do something for me." Placing the needle over her left wrist, she gazed at him. 

"Bella, no." Carlisle made to grab the needle, but she stopped him with just a look. 

"Carlisle, please. Let me do this." Her eyes were desperate. "I need to know."

Edward looked between the two. "Bella?"

When there was no further objection from Carlisle, Bella returned her gaze to Edward's face. "I need to know how much you really love me. If you want this to work between us," Bella winced as she inserted the needle into her wrist, waiting a moment before pulling it out again. "then do it."

His eyes showed the anger and fear he was feeling. "Bella-"

"You have the control, Edward, I know you do!" Bella stated firmly. Her voice had lowered to a whisper when she continued. "You just need to believe that you can stop before you go too far."

With a deep sadness in his eyes, Edward looked into her chocolate-brown ones. "Is this really what you want?" Her only response was to nod, though Edward could see just a hint of worry etched onto her face. Edward sighed in defeat before gently taking her wrist, and staring at the pool of blood that had formed on her pale skin. He looked once more into her caring eyes...

...before giving in.

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