Chapter 12

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While Bella was asleep that night, Esme and Carlisle decided to ask their adoptive children something they had been considering, though Alice would have already known. That was the downside to having a psychic in the family. There were never any surprises.

Alice was bouncing with excitement when Carlisle and Esme joined them in the living room. She was sporting a bright grin. Edward appeared to be mildly frustrated with her; she must have been blocking her thoughts.

"Esme and I have been talking about something," Carlisle started. "We made sure to do that while you were out hunting the other day."

"We didn't want you to hear until we were sure," Esme added. 

Rosalie looked between them both. "What's going on?"

Carlisle smiled. "We'd like to ask you what you think about adopting Bella. Not officially anyway, since Edward and Bella are mates."

Emmett grinned. "I vote yes!"

Rosalie smiled as well. "It would be nice to have another girl around."

Edward's smile was bigger than anyone's. "Clearly, you don't need Alice's opinion," he smirked at her. "But I would love if she would join our family."

Esme smiled at her husband. "We haven't discussed this with Bella yet, so don't say anything. We were planning on telling her tonight over dinner."

Emmett groaned. "We have to eat again?"

A round of quiet laughter surrounded the room as Emmett sulked.

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