Chapter 3

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Bella was uncharacteristically quiet throughout school the next day. No one asked questions, but they could tell she wasn't her usual self. Mikayla approached her, but backed off when Bella ignored her. When lunch had come and gone but Bella still was reserved, Jennifer decided it was time to ask Devon what had happened last night. 

"Did something happen with you and Bella?" Jennifer blurted out. 

Devon looked up from a textbook he was flipping through. His friends also glanced up, curious. "What?"

Jennifer leaned closer. "Bella isn't acting her usual self. Did something happen last night?"

Devon closed his textbook before looking around to be sure Bella wasn't hiding behind them. "I broke up with her last night."

"You did what!" Christina screeched. 

At her outburst, all eyes in the classroom were on her. Devon sighed and rubbed his face. "Keep it down, will you? I already feel horrible about it."

Amanda sat down next to him and pressed for information. The girls listened while Devon explained exactly what had happened the night before. "I tried to apologize again, but all she said was goodnight."

Bella entered the room then, head down and books held close to her chest. Devon and the girls watched as she made her way to the back of the room before taking the empty desk in a corner. She placed her chin in her hand and began drawing in a notebook, never lifting her eyes. 

"Have you talked to her?" Devon spoke quietly.

Savannah shook her head, still staring at her friend. "No," she replied sadly. "Bella hasn't said a word to any of us all day." 

The bell rang then, ending further discussion about Bella. Devon gave his ex one last glance before reluctantly turning around and slumping in his seat.

This week can't get any worse, Bella thought almost bitterly. When she arrived home, her parents were not in the kitchen making dinner like usual. Strange. Where are they? They've never missed a day.


No reply. 



Worried now that something was wrong, she searched the house. Bella was nearly frantic when she saw her father's car in the garage. Dad always leaves a note or calls if he'll be home late... and mom is always with him. Her mind raced as she hurried to send her parents a text. One minute passed. Five minutes, then ten. Now she was scared. Bella nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a knock on the door. She flung it open.

"Bella Swan?" 

Her heart sank and her blood ran cold. On her porch stood a policeman. His face was grave. A pain in her knuckles began as her fingers tightened on the doorknob. It seemed like a lifetime passed before he spoke his next words. 

"I'm sorry. But your parents are dead."

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