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Ten years later

"Don't just stand there staring! Help him!" I remember that. It was when the first Enderdragon had his downfall. I was one of the few standing back when that group of players came in and effortlessly killed it. And what could we have done? We could not have even built a suitable wall around him made of blocks in time.

Today is Amara's first day back to school. Personally, I couldn't have imagined her living up to this point. Herobrine and I just had that effect... When she got older, Herobrine made the decision to leave her with me in the Overworld... Well, mostly. He was watching, just invisible to any other player watching in. Amara does not yet know that Herobrine is anything but normal - "Myths" aren't supposed to be taught at school anyway.

The main reason why Herobrine decides to let me stay with her is that I have a peculiar ability to shape-shift to any player I wish. So I could be seen with Amara, and no one would question it. Except they will wonder why I speak in a funny way... That is why I avoid speaking to anyone.

"Hey!" Herobrine shouts when he teleports in through the doorway. "How are ya, niece?" (I am posing as his brother now.) I have noticed Herobrine has gotten used to talking with Amara now. A small improvement, I guess. Even if people wanted to team up with him against Markus (there had been one, surprisingly), Herobrine would have refused to speak to them.

Meetings always have been kept short, in case his monster showed up. It never happened, but we had set up rules in place. If he had ever went berserk, I had to try to restrain him, teleport him back to the palace (currently the Nether's mobs are taking care of it), and if he even tried to teleport back, I would have his permission to kill him. Stakes are high, and I can tell Herobrine hates it.

"Hi!" Amara mocks him, copying his loud voice. Herobrine beams, but it seems forced. Amara has her backpack on, and she is waiting until the sun gets fully up before heading out and going to school. "Why don't you come earlier?" she asks. "Then we could play a game of Spleef together." Herobrine had built a little game area in the yard for Amara's ninth birthday, and she's just loved it ever since.

Herobrine's smile softened. "Well, you wouldn't want me travelling outside in the dark, would you? It takes a while to get here, and there are already some mobs around here when I get here as there is." A lie, obviously.

She makes a very over-the-top frown, and Herobrine briefly hugs her. "Isn't it time for you to go?" Herobrine asks, and I can see the slightest bit of worry in his face. Amara nods, and bids her goodbyes before heading outside, making that ever-familiar sound of a door closing.

"So," Herobrine says, just when Amara's nametag morphs into a barely readable dot. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now." I uneasily pause, waiting for his question. What even could he be asking me about? He knows almost every nitty-gritty detail of me.

"Why do you always stay by my side no matter what I do?"

There is an uncomfortable pause. No matter how many countless times I say that I am loyal to him, and loyal to him only, he always questions it and doubts it. Endermen were made with one sole purpose: to serve. When the Enderdragon made the first Enderman from its weak form before, a human, to the Enderman it became, the Enderman was to serve the Enderdragon.

"You make sense to me. The accuses Markus made after you just didn't make sense. The goals the Enderdragon also didn't make sense, wanting to control the mobs everywhere. And I thought that you were finally going to change something about this world, not corrupt it more like Markus and the Enderdragon."

Herobrine paused, and then nodded. "I better head back to the palace before it becomes more chaotic than before." He gives a small smile before teleporting away. I sigh. If only he knew what more I was doing for him.

- - -

It is now night. Amara is in bed, hopefully sleeping and not finishing the end to a book or something. Herobrine needs to know nothing of this, from his "niece", or not.

I teleport to the pinpointed base of Markus Persson. He had contacted me several times on an offer to spy for him, and he said he was never worried if I would decline and tell Herobrine instead. He had seemed pretty solid, and if I were to use this opportunity as Herobrine would, the results will be more than satisfactory.

Two Aether creatures I do not know the name of step forward to greet me. It is always the same procedure. When they are certain I did not bring any weapons except for my natural attack power, they step away and let me in through the massive front doors. Teleporting is not an option around the perimeter. Markus hacked that part, and not even a person like Herobrine could re-hack it back.

The normal people/Aether mobs greet me with the same amount of stiffness every night. They don't trust me. Of course, they wouldn't. To them, I was an ex-ally with Herobrine. In reality, I still was.

Markus swiftly teleports in front of me. I hated that most of the time. He meets my gaze, except more stiffly than usual. "Why had you returned today?" He asks. "You were supposed to report back tomorrow, when what is done is done."

I grimace, faking an apology. "Although, I have better news to share. Herobrine refuses to meet me anymore. He is always in his palace now. I think that he's working on some kind of plan, but he will never tell me what."

Markus swiftly nods his head. "You are dismissed." He teleports away.

Nothing of what I said is true, of course. Why would I waste a sentence before telling you that I was loyal to Herobrine, but really, I was not? Endermen are always practical.

A/N AND THAT IS THE END OF THE UPDATING SPREE. If you think that this is different from the initial book, I know, but it is for the far, way way way better.

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