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It turned out that the "safekeeping" was meant to last a little longer. Notch had caught that guy, and questioned why he was outside of my cell. I guess he was supposed to do Notch a favour before he could earn me...

Good thing I have a Ph.D in doing nothing all day, because that's all I'm doing... Until, that is, a sharp rapping on my door indicates that perhaps I will be doing more today.

"I was told to not "do that anymore" by Zane. So I supposed I should warn you before coming inside... Consider yourself warned."

Suddenly, Herobrine appears in front of me. I widen my eyes. He sighs, and then turns around, as if realizing something is wrong. "Seto, you're not supposed to just let go when I'm about to teleport!"

He disappears, then returns with a red-faced man. I imagine he isn't always like that. He's also wearing a purple cape, and on the front of his cloak is a red creeper face. I frown. Who would want something like that on their clothing?

"I wasn't fully aware of that, Herobrine," Seto drawled. "But who knows? Maybe you'll be able to teach me something I actually don't know, someday."

Herobrine ignored his idle chatter, and took a good look at me. It looked like he had a lot of questions for me, but time wasn't exactly a treat in bulk at the moment. "I'll question you when we're all safe. Let's go, Amara," he said, and almost "forgot" to teleport Seto with them, and only did so when Seto explained he would be in very hot water if Herobrine didn't. As if he didn't know already.

- - -

Much to my protest, I was teleported back to Zane's place, to be looked after when Herobrine and Seto looked for Phase. When Zane looks at my face upon my return, I can't help but want to tell her everything that happened last night. There sure wasn't a whole lot of sense in what I could say, but maybe I could be helped.

She holds my hand, and I shiver. "I think you have som explaining to do," she whispers. "Because Herobrine would have surely sensed if someone had came here."

Slowly, I nod, and she frowns. "Then what happened?"

I tell her what little happened, and her face darkens. When I got to the part when I just appeared in this cell, she stops me. "You should have told Herobrine what happened," Zane says, taking my hand and dropping a cookie in it. I'm fine with that, but...

"The thing is, I think he already knew," I say, sighing along with it.

- - -

It is already almost evening, and there is nothing better to do than wait outside on the deck, and watch the sun go down. Has it really been that long already? Briefly, I wonder how long I could've slept. Maybe that's where all the lost time went, my brain struggling to think of how it was this time already.

I watch some yellow and orange leaves fall down from the trees, some falling a long ways before lightly floating along the air, tumbling before meeting its destination on the ground.

...I guess that's the perfect time for a voice to start its mumbling.

Escaped my fingers once again...

What, you're that dude that saw me before he was caught by Notch?

No... Frankly, I wouldn't be that stupid. I'll have to have a talk with him.


You aren't taking me seriously if that's all you can say.



I smile briefly. If that's what it's going to take, then I can just outsmart that voice with words.

It's what I do best.

Protectors Are For Weaklings (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now