Chapter 5

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Over two weeks had passed and the company was now traveling among the Beor Mountains. Eragon had led them safely across the Hadarac Desert, using magic is get water from the ground, and now they were finally walking along the length of the mountains. The range was larger than any of them had ever imagined making them all feel very small, especially Gwen.

Only a few days ago, Eragon had to probe the unconscious elf for directions to the Varden. While he had done so, he discovered that the elf was poisoned and would die soon if she did not get treatment. Now, they were on a mad rush in search of the Varden to save the elf. For the second time, Gwen witnessed his deep sense of compassion for others.

During their time together, she had grown very close to him. Every night she would stay up late and talk to Eragon about various topics, engaging in some very interesting conversations. The more she got to know him, the more she was falling in love with him. The feeling was mutual, for Eragon began to have stronger feelings for her as well.

They stopped at midday at a pond to rest up. Saphira was off hunting, so the elf was lying on the ground. Eragon sat upon the ground, Gwen sitting on his leg. They were just casually talking when they suddenly heard a sword unsheathe. Immediately, Eragon turned his head to see about twenty horsemen galloping towards them. Concerned, Eragon placed Gwen in his shirt pocket to keep her hidden. "Do you think they could be from the Varden?" asked Murtagh asked, placing a blanket over the elf to keep her hidden as well.

Eragon shook his head, "I doubt it, according to Arya's directions, we are still leagues away." Eragon contacted Saphira and told her to stay out of sight, but to remain close just in case.

When the horsemen saw Eragon and Murtagh, they raised their weapons and surrounded them. Then, their leader crossed his arms and scrutinized them. Raising his eyebrows, he said, "Well, these are better than the usual dregs we find! At least we got healthy ones this time. And we didn't even have to shoot them. Grieg will be pleased."

Eragon had a sinking feeling in his gut. "Now, would you be so good as to drop your weapons, and my men will not turn you and your companion into living quivers by my men." The men chuckled.

Murtagh shifted his sword, "Who are you, and what do you want? We have the right to travel through this land, and you have no right to stop us."

The leader sneered, "I have every right, and as for my name, slaves do not address their masters in that manner, unless they want to be beaten."

Eragon cursed silently to himself. He began to remember the slave auction he had seen in Dras Leona, his anger, and hatred, rising. "Now, put down your weapons, and surrender!" When Eragon and Murtagh refused, the slavers tensed. The leader stepped down from his horse, and began to walk towards Eragon, his cold eyes staring at the young man. He had a hand on his sword, ready to attack.

Behind him, Eragon heard a rustle, and then a loud curse. "Torkenbrand, this one's an elf!" The leader grinned and grabbed Eragon by his shirt. His hand twisted the material as he lifted Eragon about a good two inches off the ground.

"Your little friend will shower me in heaps of gold! The Empire will do anything to get their hands on the likes of her."

Inside the pocket, Gwen squirmed, trying not to be crushed by the man's hand. She could feel Eragon's heart beating frantically and wondered what he was thinking. Then, she felt a jolt. The hand was removed from Eragon's shirt and thrown against his chest.

Torkenbrand, unsheathed his sword, his men rushing to his aid, grabbing Eragon by his shoulders and forced the weapon from his hand. With his hands held tightly behind his back, Torkenbrand raised the tip of his sword and placed it on Eragon's neck.

Saphira, help! Murtagh tried to help Eragon, but there were too many men, and eventually he was no better off than his companion. "Now, let us see what you have in your pocket." Torkenbrand hooked his finger on the pocket to open it and then peered in. "What in the world?" He lifted the tiny girl, who began to fidget and scream for him to put her down. "Men, take a look at this, a miniature broad! With the elf and this girl, we will be richer than the governor! Boys, this is our lucky day!" he laughed.

"Sir, put her down. I will only ask you once." Eragon stated, with a serious tone.

"Look at you trying to act so tough. Boy, you ain't got anything on me. Keep that attitude, and my men here will be more than happy to beat you to a pulp, and then you will be forced to walk all the way back to our outpost. Seeing as you are young, and healthy, that should not be a problem for you. Rich men will be more than willing to pay for you to serve them."

Saphira now! Saphira flew overhead with a vicious growl. Torkenbrand's men let go of Eragon and Murtagh in fear, running to their horses. Diving low, Saphira grabbed one of the men, and threw him against the rocks. Eragon knelt down and grabbed his sword and raised it to the leader's throat. "I am more than what you take me for. Give me one good reason not to slit your throat."

Fear gripped the man. He handed over Gwen and dropped his sword. Raising his hands to signal his submission, he said, "Please, show mercy on me."

"Why would I give mercy to one who does not give mercy? If I wasn't a Rider, you would have taken me and sold me as a slave. Now that you know that I am no simple man, you immediately grovel and expect me to take pity upon you? Men like you are for the worms." Eragon swung his sword, and with one swift motion, decapitated the man. His men were on their horses trying to flee, but Saphira caught up to them and took most of them down. The one's who escaped the dragon's wrath soon met Murtagh's. When all the slavers were dead, they regrouped.

Gwen was sitting on Eragon's shoulders. She sensed that he did not want to kill the man, wretched as he was, but knew that he had no choice. He had discovered too much, and they could not have him running back to the empire with news about the Rider and his companions. "Eragon, you did what you had to do. Do not let this fester within you because no matter what you do, you will never be like that man, or men like him. The fact that you take no pleasure in killing him proves that. So, please, let it go and let us be off. We have lingered here for far too long."

"You are right." He turned around, gathered his belongings, and climbed on Snowfire. "Let us leave this unpleasant place. We have much ground to cover, and less time to cover it in." With a quick kick and an exclamation, Snowfire took off into a gallop.

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