Chapter Eight

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-Niall's POV-

"Say goodbye William." Adjusting the baby bag on my back, William stamped his foot and crossed his arms. "Come on buddy. We gotta go home." I smiled though he only cried out and sat on the floor.

Maddy stood close and awkwardly twisted her hands behind her back.

I rolled my eyes and came over trying to pick William up. He squirmed in my hold before tottering over to Christine. His arms wrapped her leg taking both her and I by surprise.

"W-William." I cleared my throat. "Daddy is done messing around. Come here right now."

"No!" He cried burying his face in Christine's leg. Her face fell as she knelt down and picked him up. It took me by surprise really. He didn't let strangers pick him up that easily.

Though was Christine a stranger? In a sort of way, yes.

"Why are you crying little guy?" She pouted wiping his tears away. "You wanna go home with Daddy?" He shook his head as she looked over at me a bit lost.

Letting out a deep sigh, I cane over and took him from Christine. He kicked and wailed wanting to go back to Christine. I don't understand; he's never turned away my hold.

Christine then had a light bulb moment as she put her finger up to gesture one second. Then she left the room as I struggled to keep William against my chest.

"William!" He looked over halfway through a cey before suddenly stopping. Christine giggled holding out a cupcake as he reached his hands out. "Now you only get this if you be a good boy for Daddy, ok?"

He looked up at her and back down at the cupcake as she passed it to him.

"We'll see you soon ok?" William smiled wide and laughed up at her before beginning his sweet.

I mouthed a 'thank you' to her as she waved it off letting Maddy come over and stand at her legs.

"Will William come back?" Maddy asked looking up at Christine that ran a hand through her hair.

"He will." I answered for her as she smiled up at me. "Come on William." With a last wave, I carried out my boy to the car before buckling him in. He seemed much happier since he had his cupcake.

Thank god for Christine's quick thinking.

After everything was settled in, I pulled out back towards our house with a heavy sigh.

Christine will make a brilliant parent one day; I know she will. I just hope she doesn't choose a dickhead to have kids with. Especially that Chris kid.

Thinking about him made my fists tighten around the steering wheel. He was rude, arrogant, selfish and the way he spoke to both Christine and I was atrocious.

Why was she still with him? He's acting like such a big dick that he probably forgot he had a small one.

Christine can do so much better. With somebody that can help raise Maddy whenever she's over and somebody that understands.

My eyes widened at what my thoughts were beginning to suggest. No Niall. You don't do relationships anymore. You're a sole parent and that's final.

My phone then began to blare as I rolled my eyes and quickly declined the call. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody at the moment.

A message came up minutes later saying I had a voicemail as I checked up on William. He was almost done his cupcake; the crumbs smeered around his mouth and most likely on the seat again.

Better check that voicemail.

After fiddling with my phone, I put the speaker on and leant back into my seat.

"Hey Niall... it's Brianna."

My eyes widened as my geip keot tight.

"I'm just phoning to say that I really miss you. I know you're still angry at me for not being their for our son b-but..."

She trailed off before starting that fake crying shit. I had heard enough.

Turning the voicemail off, I cracked my neck and sat quietly in the car. A thousand thoughts racing through my mind.

• • •

"Bye Maddy!" I called as mum walked her out to the car. Leaning against the front door, I watched as the two left in that little family car of theirs.

Mum said a few words to me before running off with Maddy again. I know we're not close, but I feel like she's punishing me because I moved out.

I remember the first time I told her I was moving out. She took it really hard. I mean really hard. She ignored me as much as possible though when I did talk to her first, she'd always try to make me feel bad about my decision.

It seems she still hasn't forgiven me but that's not my problem. I live by myself now and she can't do a single thing about it.

My phone than began to buzz and I shut the door slowly pulling it out, hoping it's not Chris. But luckily it was Indie.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey Christine," she giggled, "still coming to Jess' party this weekend?"

"Course! Sunday right?"

"Uh, it's Saturday Christine! Jeez girl." She joked as I groaned in annoyance.

"Shit! I get Maddy on Saturday!" This cannot be happening. Jess was one ofy good friends for high school. I cant just bail out on her. "What am I going to do?!"

"Calm down Christine. This has a simple fix."

"Oh yeah? Like?"

"Find another babysitter." My mind tried to think of somebody that could possibly babysit for me that day. Wait...

Maybe Niall-no Christine! It's not fair on him. Shit! But there's nobody else I know! Fuck!

"Christine? You there?" Shit.

"Yes. But I'm gonna have to call you back. I need to arrange something."

"Ok? Talk soon?"

"Definitely!" We said our goodbyes as I pulled out my messages onto a familiar contact.

I cant believe I'm about to do this.

Christine: hey niall its christine. i have a favour i need to ask you...

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