Chapter Fifteen

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-Niall's POV-

"Alright lads. I'll see you later." Walking William and I from the studio to the car, I did the normal routine. Buckled him in, threw the bag in and drove home.

But today I was going to Christine's to get my clothes. That and to try and sort things out. I didn't mean to do what I did. I guess it was a reaction.

And fuck, this guilt has been eating me up. So I was on my way to make amends.

We'd been in the car a bit longer than usual and William was beginning to complain.


"Almost there buddy." I said just as I pulled into Christine's driveway. "We're here!" William looked out the window as I got out and took him with me.

He looked around a bit confused as I knocked on the front door. There was no response as I knocked again.

"Christine! It's Niall! Can I come in?!" Deciding to let myself in, I pushed the door open to see lights were still on. "Christine?!" Ok, this was beginning to worry me a bit.

I searched through the house and all the bedrooms until I came to the last one. Whimpering was heard behind the door as I slowly let myself in.

"Christine?" My hand turned the light on and I went wide eyed at the side of her. She was curled up at the head of the bed, crying into her hands. "W-William, you stay here buddy." I put him on a close office chair behind a desk and walked over to Christine.

"Christine? Darlin'?" She whimpered slowly looking up at me as I went completely wide eyed. Her face was covered in bruises as well as her arms and legs.

She watched as I slowly sat down near her. My hand reached out and carefully took hers to feel it damp from tears.

"C'mere." I muttered pulling her clothes. She rolled over into my hold as her shaky arms wrapped around me. Christine quietly cried into my shirt as I rubbed her back and stroked her hair.

I don't know what the fuck has happened but I know I can't just leave Christine like this.


"Just a second William." Pulling Christine back, I pushed hair strands from her face and examined it. "Who did this?" The anger built up inside me as she shook her head. "Christine, tell me."

Her petite hands latched onto my shirt as she whimpered.


"Chris..." I breathed pulling Christine closer again. I am fucking ready to beat the shit out of that boy. I warned him. The first time we met, I fucking warned him I'd call the boys around.

And I will.

But first I need to take care of Christine.

• • •

My hands softly rubbed cream up her second arm as she sat quietly on the bathroom sink.

William was distracted with some snacks and the television while I took the opportunity to help Christine. She hasn't uttered a word since I came which has made me more concerned.

"Do this hurt?" I asked as she shook her head. Sighing, I put her arm back into her lap before pulling her into another hug. Hers hands held my sides as I hid her face in my neck. "Are you hungry or anything darlin'?'

Christine shook her head as I pulled her closer. An idea was forming in my head.

"When do you get Maddy next?" The question made her tense as her fingers clutched onto my shirt tighter.


"Two what darlin'?"

"W-week-ks..." Well shit that's a little while.

"How about," I began my offer, "you come stay with me. That way I can keep an eye on you so this doesn't happen."


"Please Christine." I took her hands in mine as I held out her weak stare. "Let me take care of you. I won't let anybody touch you. You'll be in safe hands."

Loose tears fell down off of her chin as I wiped her cheeks carefully.

"Christine... please." I pleaded as she sniffled. After a long moment, she put her head on my chest as I felt her nod. "Thank you."

"Daddy!" We heard William cry as I gently took Christine's hand guided us out to the lounge room.

"Why are you crying buddy?" I asked pulling William into my arms as Christine quietly sat on the couch. Trying to quiet down William, I sat beside her and patted his back.

William stopped crying though when he saw Christine. I swear this boy has a weird addiction to that girl.

His hands reached out and I tightened my hold. "No William. Let her sit." His wailing began again as I rolled my eyes to then feel a hand touch my arm.

"I-it's ok." Christine forced a weak smile as I frowned at her. William was pulled into her lap as she kissed his head and he snuggled into her.

Just staring at the two, it made my heart melt a bit. Christine was do good with kids and William had somebody that was close enough to a female figure in his life. I'll be seeing more if this now that Christine is staying with me.

"So... what do you think you'll need to pack?"

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