By Chance (Niall Horan Fanfic) Prologue

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By Chance (Niall Horan Fanfiction)

This is my very first Fanfiction so please be kind! This is loosely based on my time working for a radio station in NYC. I met an artist that came in one day for an interview and the rest was history. We are no longer together but that relationship did give me the inspiration for at least the first few chapters of this story.

I hope you all enjoy :)



I had been working for the same broadcasting company in NYC for three years now. Our company owned the top four radio stations in the city; two pop channels, a rock channel and an adult contemporary channel. I was in charge of the promotions department for the two pop channels. We had come a long way in the three years I was at the company but today was going to be one of our biggest days yet.

The UK band One Direction was coming in for an interview and to play an acoustic set for 50 lucky fans. The boys were on a press tour promoting their most recent album and also the North American leg of their tour. It was the first time they were going to be coming to our studios and the entire place was buzzing with excitement.

I had an hour until they were going to arrive so I went to check the room where they would be performing and I checked with the on-air DJs and looked over their final list of questions; nothing too scandalous. Everything was perfect so I went back to my office to wait. After what seemed like an eternity I got a knock on my door and my assistant told me the boys had arrived.

I made my way down the long hallway and saw the boys at the end surrounded by a crowd of security and people from the office. I walked up to their tour manager and introduced myself.

"Hi, my name is Emma. I'm head of promotions here for KISS 102.3, I can't thank you guys enough for taking the time to come in." I said, my voice shaking a little. I didn't realize how nervous I was.

Harry turned towards me and jumped right into the conversation.

"Not a problem love, we adore this city and we've been really excited to come in and meet all of you." He had the cutest smirk on his face as he said it. I thought I caught him checking me out as he shook my hand, but that would never happen.

I looked at the group and realized that not all of the boys were there. Louis and Liam were talking to one of the security guards, Zayn was on his phone and Harry was still standing in front of me.

"Where's Niall." I asked.

"He's meeting with a doctor right now. We're afraid he's come down with a touch of the Flu so we just wanted to get him checked out quick before he came over. He'll be here before the interview and performance...hopefully." Their tour manager said as he nervously looked down at his phone

Next thing I knew the door right next to them flew open and Niall came running in. He was dressed in black sweatpants and a soccer jersey. He was red faced and out of breath from running up the stairs.

"Jesus, I never thought I'd make it on time. I didn't miss anything did I?"

"No, you're just in time actually. We are just about to head into the studio for your interview." I said as he looked in my direction.

I had never been a girl who believed in "love at first sight" or anything like that. Living in NYC for the past few years had jaded me slightly and I though pretty much every guy was an asshole. When Niall looked at me though, I felt like I got punched in the stomach. I couldn't catch my breath and I felt myself blushing. We stood there and looked at each other, both of us unable to unlock our gaze.

"All right, let's do this!" Louis shouted from across the hallway and Niall and I both snapped out of our little trance.

As I led the boys down the hallway to the studio I could feel Niall's eyes on me, watching every move I made. I didn't know what had come over me but I could tell it was going to be a very interesting day at least...

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