Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I didn't get a chance to go back to the hotel between out last interview and my date tonight so I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the door and everything looked perfect.

The room was huge and open, there were floor to ceiling windows on the one wall and right in front of them was a small table with two chairs. There was a bouquet of lilacs in the middle of the table and candles scattered around the table. There were also two plated of delicious looking food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until that second.

I pulled out Emma's chair and then quickly sat down and started eating. I ate much faster than I should have. I'm sure it was gross.

"Hungry huh?" She asked as she was holding back laughter.

"Uhhh, yeah, sorry. I haven't eaten much today. I like food, a lot." I said with a mouth full of steak.

"I know. It's fine. It's cute actually. So why did you pick lilacs?"

"We'll, when I was in your office I noticed that you had a massive vase of them on your windowsill so I thought maybe they were your favorite." I was hoping I was right.

"That's so sweet. They are my favorite. My whole backyard growing up was lined with lilac bushes. The smell reminds me of my childhood." I noticed that when she talked about her childhood she seemed to get sad.

"Tell me about where you grew up." I was almost done with my plate, she had barely touched hers.

"I grew up in Upstate New York. I lived in a small town near the capital. It was nice. I went to a small grade school growing up and had an great group of friends. After high school I went to SUNY Oneonta like I told you earlier. I studied Music Industry there and took a lot of journalism classes. I only stayed for 2 years because the job at the radio station kind of fell in my lap. Right after I left for the city my mom got in a really bad car accident and passed away. It was the worst time of my life. My dad had left my mom years before that so all I really had left was my older brother. I felt bad coming back to the city but I had to. I loved my job and I wanted to make my mom proud."

Her eyes were filling with tears as she talked about her mom. I reached for her hand that was on the table. She pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. You asked me about where I grew up, not for my whole sad life's story. That's embarrassing." She covered her face with her hands.

I walked over next to her and turned her chair so it was facing me. I pulled her hands away from her face and put my hands on each side of her face.

"Emma, I told you I wanted to get to know you. That means I want to know all the good things and the bad things that have happened to you in your life. I know that I've been lucky to be given the life that I have but I don't want you for a second to feel like you can't talk to me about anything. I want to know all I can about you."

As soon as I finished that last sentence her lips were on mine. They fit together perfectly. He arms wrapped around my neck and held me tight. Her hands were pulling on my hair. It felt amazing. I ran my tongue across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth slightly. Our tongues met and I could feel her slide off the chair and sit in my lap. My hands pulled her waist close to me and then ran up her back. Her skin above the top of her dress was so soft and warm. I couldn't get enough of her.

Suddenly she pulled away and looked at me.

"God, I don't know what just came over me. I told you I didn't want to be just a girl you hook up with and then I throw myself at you." Her eyes filled with tears again.

"You are not just any other girl. You know that right? I have never felt like this before. I saw you and my heart stopped. When I saw that you left the studio this morning, my heart broke and then when I saw you in the window I felt like I was whole again. I couldn't wait to see you tonight and I'm dreading the moment I have to say goodbye to you." I meant every single word I said.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me Niall. I've dated guys before and had serious relationships but I've never been pulled to someone as strongly as I'm pulled to you. I was instantly attracted to you, and I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face today. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I feel like I've fallen so hard for you." She had said exactly what I wanted to hear.

My lips were on hers again. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I picked her up and carried her over to the couch. I felt her warm hands underneath the back of my shirt, running up my back. I felt like my skin was so sensitive. Every time she touched me it sent tingles up my spine. We kissed for what seemed like hours. She was the most amazing kisser. She would run her lips across my jawbone and work her way up to my ear and run her teeth across my earlobe. She kissed my neck, my cheek, my lips. I felt her hunger for me in each kiss.

I pulled away this time, she pouted at me. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Emma, as much as I want this to continue, I also want to show you that you mean more to me than any other girl. I want to take things slowly with you. Is that okay?"

She nodded and stood up in front of me. She put her shoes back on and I stood up behind her. The though of saying goodbye to her for the night broke my heart but I knew it was the right thing to do. We went downstairs to the lobby and waited for the SUV to come back. When it pulled up we climbed in and this time I pulled her tight against me. She leaned into me and rested her head in the crook of my neck. We fit perfectly

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