Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

The past two weeks had flown by. I had enjoyed my time in New York with Emma. I could tell as we got closer to moving day that Emma was getting sad. She had fallen in love with New York and I knew that even though she would love London that part of her would always miss New York. I felt terrible for making her give up her dream job, her perfect apartment, her friends and family just to be with me. I wanted to make this up to her and show her how much I appreciated her for moving to London to be with me.

I knew that she had put her apartment up for sale a week ago but she hadn't gotten any offers. I told her I was taking care of a place for her to live in London so she didn't have to worry about that. She was not pleased with the idea of me taking care of that, but she didn't fight me on it either. I decided to call her realtor and buy her New York apartment for the two of us. I know that she would probably be upset at first but I didn't want her to feel like she didn't still have a home back in America. There would be long stretches of time when I'd be on tour or I'd be doing press around the world and I wanted her to be able to come back and visit New York, or spend time here when I wasn't home. As much as I wanted her to feel like London was her home, I knew that she was always going to consider New York her real home.

Emma's POV

"Babe your phone is ringing!" Niall shouted to me from the kitchen.

I ran into the kitchen and answered it just in time.


"Emma! It's Jake from your realty company. I have great news, we got an offer for your apartment today. It was an all cash offer and they paid the asking price so you'll be all set."

"That's amazing! I didn't even know anyone was interested."

"Yeah, either did we. He called this morning. The paperwork is all being taken care of right away so. You're moving tomorrow right?" I couldn't believe this was all happening so fast.

"Yeah, I leave for London in the morning. If I need to sign anything you can fax it here and I will fax it back right away. I'll be around here packing all day."

"Okay, great. We'll be faxing everything over within the hour. If you can just get it all back to us by 5 today that would be perfect. Thanks Emma. Have a great day,"

After I hung up I just stood there looking around the apartment that I had fallen in love with as soon as I saw it.

"Em, babe you okay?" Niall sounded concerned.

"Yeah, I didn't think it would bother me this much to sell this place. I guess I didn't know how much it would hurt to leave New York." I was fighting back tears.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Niall moved towards me but wouldn't look at me when he asked.

"God no. I'm so excited to start my life wit you Niall and I'm so glad you want me to move to London to be close to you. I think it's going to be great. I'll find a job I love there just as much as I loved mine here and I'm sure whatever apartment you found me is going to be more amazing than this one. More importantly I'll be with you and that's honestly all that matters to me. I want to spend my life with you Niall and I know that our life is in London, not here." Niall hugged me tight. He burried his face in my shoulder. I could tell he felt awful about making me give all of this up.

I heard the fax machine in my office. I went in and grabbed the papers for the realtor. When I got the page I had to sign I saw the signature of the buyer and recognized it immediately. I was upset and confused.

"Niall James Horan, what the hell is this??" I held up the page with his signature.

"Please don't be mad. Just let me explain." He looked scared, he knew I was mad.

"I can't wait to hear this...."

"I bought this place for us. I know what you're giving up to be with me and as much as you pretend to be okay with it I'm scared to death that one day you're going to resent me for this. I afraid that next year when I'm on tour you're going to be in London by yourself and you're going to regret the decision you made to move to London and you're going to hold it against me because I made you do it. So I want us to have a home here. I want you to be able to spend time at home if you want and I want us to be able to bring our family here in the future on vacations or for the summer. This apartment and this city is your home and its special to me too because this is where I met the love of my life."

I wasn't mad anymore. I loved him even more if that was even possible. I ran to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I could feel him let out a huge sigh of relief.

"You're not mad Em ?"

"Not at all. Thank you for doing this. If I knew you wanted to keep it though I just wouldn't have put it on the market."

"I wanted to buy it for us. I don't want you to worry about paying a mortgage on a house you're not living in full time."

"Thanks baby. This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. You do way too much for me you know." I felt like I could never repay him for all he had done for me since we had gotten together.

"I just want you to be happy sweetheart, that's the most important thing to me. Love you." He kissed the tip of my nose, I giggled.

"All right, now you have to decide what you want to keep here and then we can finish packing the rest for tomorrow. You won't need to bring any furniture. That's all taken care of for you."

"What's my new place like Niall?" I was nervous what it would be like.

"It's a nice place. It's a house, not an apartment. It's really beautiful. It's private. It's got an amazing backyard."

"A house? Jesus, I thought you were going to find me a small apartment." Again he was giving me way too much.

"Trust me, you'll love it there" Niall said with a huge grin on his face. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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