Chapter 17

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Emma's POV

It had been 7 days since Niall left New York and I had gotten 3 phone calls and a handful of text. The calls and texts stopped 2 days ago.

Day 8

No text. No call.

Day 9

No text. No call.

Day 10

No text. No call.

Day 11

I was done with this. I called Niall at midnight that night because I knew even though they had a show in North Carolina they would be finished by then. It rang 4 times and just when I was about to hang up I heard his voice.

"Emmmmmmaaaaaaa. Wassup?" He was slurring his words. Now it was clear why he wasn't calling.

"Are you drunk Niall?"

"Wellllll thasss a stuuuuupid question, I'm Irish aren't I?"

"I'm done." I hung up. He called me back 4 times. I didn't answer and turned my phone off.

Niall's POV

God I feel like hell I thought. What was I thinking drinking that much last night? I looked at my phone and I had a few text messages and a missed call. Nothing from Emma. I realized that going out at night and not calling her probably wasn't going to help our situation but it hurt too much to talk to her. I would hear her voice and it would be so hard for me to keep for getting on a plane and flying straight to New York. When I was looking at my call log I realized I had a call from her last night and that I tried calling her a few times. Dammit, what happened last night.

I dialed her number and she picked up after one ring.

"Niall, I'm at work and I really can't handle any of this right now so please don't call me a bunch of times like you did last night." She sounded so hurt.

"What did I do? I don't even remember talking to you to be honest."

"Good to know. I have to go." She hung up on me.

Emma's POV

I was so close to breaking down as soon as I hung up,the phone. He didn't even remember talking to me. He hadn't called me in days, and when I call him he's completely trashed and doesn't even remember it. This is not something I signed on for. I knew I'd be getting messages full of hate from his fans, which I was but I was getting a lot of love too after pictures of us had hit the Internet. I knew that I wouldn't talk to him as much as I wanted but seriously, days with out a word from him and it was probably just so he could go out and get drunk.

I went on a few gossip blogs to see what I could find about him from the past few days. I hadn't looked at them since we got together but this would be the only way I would see what had been going on. There were a few shots of him with the boys at a few clubs and some from a golf trip they took a couple days ago. Then one article was titled "Niall Horan Cheating Already?" I clicked on the article, it was from last night and at the top of the article was Niall walking out a club with a tall blonde and he was holding her hand.

I instantly felt the wind get knocked out of me. I read the article and at the bottom there were two more pictures of the two of them in a cab and he had his hand on her thigh in both of them and they were laughing. I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it in a text message to Niall. The I shut my phone off and left work for the day.

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