Chapter 25

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6 Months Later

Emma's POV

I had started finally settling in here in London. Niall's got his mom a house right around the corner from him so we spent a lot of time together. I was also spending a lot of time with Eleanor and Perrie when she was in town. I had also started working for a magazine in London. I was writing for the entertainment section. I guess they figured since I had a famous boyfriend I would have all this inside information but I really didn't. I was proud of Niall and all that he had accomplished but I wanted my own life and my own identity and I felt like I had finally gotten that.

Niall was leaving in two days to go on a stadium tour around the world. It would last 6 months total. They had small breaks through out the tour but they had planned to spend some extra time in some of the countries they never really got to explore on the previous tours. He'd fly me out to meet them a few times I'm sure but we were most likely going to be spending the better part of the next 6 months apart. This had me in a terrible mood. We had been together less than a year and we'd spent more time apart than we had spent together. I knew what I was getting myself into and for some reason I thought it would be easier than it actually was.

I had to go into work for a few hours. My boss wanted to have a meeting with me about a special project he wanted me to start working on right away. I was excited because I figured this would be something new to get involved in and it would probably keep me distracted. I got ready and headed downstairs. Niall was in the kitchen eating breakfast and watching a DVD of an old Eagles concert.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." He jumped out of his seat and kissed my cheek. I was wearing a yellow dress with emerald green suede pumps. The colors looked great with my red hair.

"Thanks baby. I only have to go in for a couple hours, Mark wants to meet with me about a new project. I'll be home right after that. You want to grab lunch and do some shopping when I get home?"

"Whatever you want, I'll just be hanging out around here today." He loved his downtime.

"Wish me luck!" I kissed him quick and ran out the door. I got in my Mini Cooper. It was a gift from Niall for my birthday. He knew it was the car I had wanted for years and he said I looked adorable in it so I had to have it.

When I got into the office my boss called me right into,the conference room. I was really confused when I walked in though because sitting at the table were not only my boss but Simon Cowell, the head of the boys record label and Paul, the boys tour manager. I said hello to both of them, I had met them both on multiple occasions and then sat down across from them.

"You look confused Emma. I don't blame you. Well I told you I had a new project I wanted you to work on and it's a very exciting one. As I'm sure you know One Direction leaves in a couple of days to go on tour for six months but it isn't just a regular tour, it's a stadium tour. This is a massive accomplishment for the boys and they want to share the journey with the fans. So this is where we get to the new project. Mr. Cowell here has asked if we could have you go on tour with the boys and write a weekly blog about what is going on during the tour. You will be the only person from the press who has unlimited access and you'll write one blog each week about what the boys are up to. This is a way to keep the fans connected to One Direction during this incredibly exciting time." Mark paused and looked at Simon, he jumped into the conversation.

"Listen Emma, I have met you on many different occasions and out of all of the girls the boys have been involved with you are the one whose intentions seem the purest. You have all of their best interests at heart and I know you would do anything for them. I also know that it's hard to spend months apart from the person you're in a relationship with. You have a unique perspective on the boys and your writing is amazing. We want this to be personal, not just another article that another journalist writes that doesn't really capture the boys spirit. This is a huge opportunity for you and it's also huge for the magazine. I hope you'll agree to do this." Simon waited for me to answer. I still couldn't believe this was all happening.

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