Chapter 23

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Niall's POV

I woke up and realized that Emma wasn't laying next to me. I checked the clock, it said 11am. I had slept for 12 hours. I definitely needed it. I checked upstairs and didn't find her. I checked the kitchen and the living room, she wasn't there. When I looked outside I saw her sitting on the couch on the deck in one of my hoodies and a blanket wrapped around her. She looked beautiful in the morning.

"Morning Sunshine" she greeted me as soon as I walked through the glass door.

"Good morning beautiful. How long have you been up?" I snuggled up next to her under the blanket. I realized she didn't have anything on besides my hoodie and a pair of panties. I quickly covered us up.

"I didn't sleep actually. The time difference is messing me up a little and I've been stressing a little about finding a job."

"Emma, please don't stress. I know it's important for you to have a job and I would never take that away from you but I don't want it to upset you. You will find something, I'm sure of it." I kissed her forehead, she cuddled closer to me.

"I know. I'm going to start looking tomorrow though. I'll go stir crazy with out a job. Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast, or lunch. Whichever you would prefer"

"I'm starving, but I'm sure you already know that. Breakfast sounds good right now. Can I help?" Cooking with her was always fun.

"Sure. What else do you have going on today?"

"I have an event to go to tonight for a local charity. Do you want to come with me?"

"I'll probably pass if that if its okay. I just want to get adjusted to the time and try and get a good nights sleep if that's alright?"

"Of course sweetheart. It probably won't be that much fun anyway."

Emma's POV

I couldn't sleep. I had gotten in bed at 9:00 which was only 4:00 NY time. Niall said he would be home around 11:00, it was now 2:00 in the morning. I didn't want to call him and being a nagging girlfriend but I was getting a little worried. I dozed off for a little bit but then I heard the door open downstairs and I heard Harry's voice.

"Man, are you sure you're alright? You could crash at my house and just call Emma and let her know you're there. You're piss drunk, she probably won't be happy." Harry was trying to whisper but his voice carried.

"Shessss fine. She's upstairs sleeeeeping. I'll be quiet as a mouse. She won't even hear me." I could hear him stumbling around.

"Niall, you can act like an asshole when you're drunk and you know that. If she is upset you're not going to handle it well. Just come back to my flat." Harry was practically begging him to leave.

"I can handle it. Just go. Call me tomorrow." I coulda hear Harry sigh loudly and then the door shut.

I had to deal with an alcoholic father growing up and a drunk ex-boyfriend that smacked me around so being around people who were drunk was not my favorite thing to do. I just pretended I was asleep. I heard him trip as he walked through the door. He took off his suit and climbed into bed next to me. He slid his hands under my tank top and started to take it off.

"Niall, what are you doing?" I pulled away from him and then turned to face him. He looked awful.

"You're up? Perfect. I just want to be close to you. He reached for the bottom of my tank top and tried to pull it off again.

"Stop, you're drunk right now. Just sleep it off and we'll talk in the morning."

"I don't want to talk to you, I want to have sex with you. No more talking."

"Niall, I'm not..."

"Shut up Emma, I said no talking." He pulled at my tank top again and when I pushed away from him he pulled my tank top again and one of the straps broke. He grabbed at it again and tried to pull me forward.

"Don't you dare touch me right now. You're fucking drunk and you're making stupid decisions right now and I do not feel comfortable right now." I was getting a little scared. I never thought I'd feel anything but safe with Niall.

"Oh get over yourself. I'm just trying to have fun, now come here." He kneeled on the bed and grabbed my arm to pull me towards him, it hurt so bad. He yanked me arm towards him and when I pulled back he finally let me go. I ran out of the room before he said or did anything else. I grabbed my phone and bag on the way out of the bedroom. I shut the door behind me and ran out the front door. I dialed Harry's number.

"Emma, hello? Are you okay?" Harry picked up after the first ring.

"I heard you bring him in and I tried to pretend I was asleep but he kept hurting me and telling me to shut up. I just ran out of the house. I'm sorry I'm calling you, I literally don't know anyone else here. I don't know what to do." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"I'm only a mile down the road, I'm turning around right now and I'm picking you up. You can stay at my flat tonight. Just give me a minute to get back." He hung up.

I walked to the side of the house where there were no windows so Niall couldn't see me if he looked out. It literally took Harry a minute to get back to the house. He jumped out of his side of the car and opened me door.

"Jesus, what did he do to you?" He noticed that I was holding my tank top up because the strap was ripped and he noticed a red mark forming on my arm.

"Just get me out of here." He closed the door after I got it, ran to his side and jumped in. He pulled out of the driveway quickly.

"Dammit. He still has his keys, what if he tries to get in the car and come find me?" I was panicking.

"He doesn't have his keys. I used them to get in the house and I held onto,them so he couldn't get in the car and go anywhere. They're in my pocket, don't worry."

"Thank god. Thanks for doing this Harry. I know that we don't know each other that well so I do appreciate you helping me out."

"Emma, you're part of our family now, we've told you that. I honestly think you're the best thing that's ever happened to Niall and I wouldn't want him to screw that up and I don't want to see you hurt either. You don't need to thank me." He squeezed my hand for a second, I felt much safer than I did 5 minutes ago.

We pulled up to a cute little house about 5 miles from Niall's house. It was a bit smaller and looked older. It had great character to it. Harry got out and walked around to my door to open it. He helped me out of the car and led me inside. His house was much different than Niall's. It was all brick and wood inside. It had broken in leather couches that looked so comfortable. Niall's house was more modern, Harry's was comfortable and "homey".

"Do you want anything to eat or drink before you go to sleep?"

"No, but thanks Harry. Where should I crash?"

"There's a guest room upstairs, let me show you. Let me get you a t-shirt to sleep in too." We walked upstairs. He walked into his room and I stayed out in the hallway.

He came out with an old Ramones t-shirt and the led me to the guest room. It was painted maroon with a huge bed right in the center. It was a green and navy blue plaid blanket on the bed.

"Thanks again Harry. Is he going to be okay tonight?"

"Yeah, he's probably sleeping it off already. Chances are he won't remember much in the morning so I'll text him and just let me know you're here so he doesn't lose it in the morning when he wakes up and sees you aren't there." He was much more caring than I would have thought.

"Perfect. Well, goodnight."

"Sweet dreams." He closed the door behind him as he walked out.

I changed my shirt, climbed in the comfy, warm bed and turned my phone on silent. I put it on the table next to the bed and went right to sleep

By Chance (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now