Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

"The top of the Empire State Building?!" She picked the perfect place for our last day together.

"Is it lame? I figured you probably haven't had the chance to go to the top because your schedule is usually so packed. We can do something else."

"You really need to stop second guessing yourself with me. This is perfect. I've never been to the top and this is really exciting. Thank you." I hated that she always doubted herself around me.

"If you say so."

The view from the top was incredible. You could see so far in all directions. It was a really warm day out but if felt much colder all the way at the top so I held Emma close, she was only in shorts and a tank top.

" Emma, do you want to continue this relationship when I leave or do you think it will be too hard for you to handle?" I was scared to ask this question but I knew that I needed to know the answer.

"I want to at least try. I've had really bad luck in relationships in the past. I was engaged and he cheated on me so we broke it off. I was abused by my last boyfriend. My dad cheated on my mom and left her. I have always had terrible relationships or have been around bad ones but I feel like its going to be different with us. I feel safe with you, even though I got punched in the face by someone who didn't know I was your girlfriend. I know it's going to be really hard and I'll feel sad or lonely a lot, but the thought of not being with you is even more upsetting. I want to try Niall."

"I'm happy to hear that. So happy. My life is crazy and it doesn't seem like its gonna slow down anytime soon but I'll make time for you, I promise. I want you to be happy. I want to be the one person you can count on to make you happy." I kissed her temple and pulled her closer to me. I didn't want to let her go, ever.

"I'll do my best to be patient Niall. Just please give me a chance to get used to this. If I call you too much or if I text you too often just tell me to back off. If I get pissed at you for not calling, then don't be afraid to remind me that this is the decision I made and that I need to give you some room to breath too." She looked so sad as she spoke.

"I promise. But you need to promise me that if you feel like I'm not putting in enough effort that you'll tell me and you'll tell me if you need me for anything. Don't for a second think that my job is more important to me than you and I are because it really isn't. I understood that the night you got hurt. I didn't care if management screamed at me, which they didn't, or if the boys were upset. All I cared about in that moment was getting to you and making sure that you were safe. I've never felt that with a girl before, just my family and the boys."

"We're going to figure this out Niall. We've both got to put in the effort and we'll be fine." She kissed my lips gently.

I really hoped she was right.

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