Chapter 18

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Niall's POV

DING DING! DING DING! That was my text message ringtone. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed my phone off the table and saw it was a picture message from Emma. I opened it and saw the pictures. What the hell were these and when were they from? I called Harry right away since he had gone out with me last night.

"What Niall?" He sounded upset.

"Emma just sent me these pictures of me with a blonde, you were with me last night, was I with a blonde?"

"Are you kidding me right now? You're going to play the "I was so drunk I don't remember" game?" He really was upset.

"I was drunk and I don't remember. What the hell happened?"

"We got to the club and in about 10 minutes you had drank about 5 beers. Then some blonde, I'm assuming she's the one in the pictures even though I haven't seen them, comes over to you with a tray of shots and said she brought them to share with you. After about 5 shots this girl was in your lap, hands all over you,and your hands were all over her. I was disgusted since you have a gorgeous, smart girl waiting for you in New York, so I left and when I came back I saw you leaving with her. That's all I know."

"My god. What the hell did I do?"

"You screwed up, that's what you did. Did you sleep with her? If you did you know it's going to be all over the news today and then you don't have a shot in hell with Emma." Harry didn't seem at all sympathetic.

"I don't think so. She wasn't here when I woke up and I was wearing my clothes from last night when I woke up. There's no sign of the girl in here. I have to call Emma." I was freaking out.

"Yeah, good luck with that man." He hung up.

I called Emma, it went right to voicemail. I tried again. Voicemail. Dammit.

We had one day off before our next show. I had one day to get to New York and fix this. I called management and told them what I needed to do.

Emma's POV

When I left work I told my boss I wasn't feeling well and that I probably wouldn't be in the next day. He told me it was no problem, to take all the time I needed. I'm pretty sure he had seen the article. I got home, took a hot bath and just climbed into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow tears started streaming down my face.

I had told him everything that I had been through in the past and he told me he wouldn't hurt me. Here we are, less than two weeks into our relationship and he's cheating. I was a complete idiot. I cried until I fell asleep that night.

I was woken up suddenly the next morning by a very loud banging at my door. I didn't know who it could be since it was only 6am but it didn't seem to be stopping so I climbed out of bed, put my robe on and ran to the door. I was completely caught off guard when I opened the door.

Niall's POV

There she was in front of me in a light pink bathrobe with her hair a mess, her eyes swollen and red. She looked like she had seen a ghost. I didn't move. I didn't want to upset her so I waited for her to realize this wasn't a dream and that I was actually there.

"What are you doing here? You have a show tomorrow." It broke me heart to see how sad she looked. She had obviously been crying all night.

"I couldn't let you think that I would hurt you like that. I was drunk and I made a mistake but nothing happened. The girl and I had a few drinks together and left the club together but I talked to my driver from that night and he said I dropped her at her apartment and didn't even get out of the car. Then he took me back to the hotel." I reached for her hand but she pulled it away.

"You think that makes it all okay? You think that just because you showed up here I'm going to forgive you. You made me look like a fool Niall. You went days with out talking to me, I call you last night and you don't even remember it. Then I find these fucking pictures online of you leaving some club holding a girls hand and its supposed to be okay because you didn't sleep with her. You're insane. If you saw some picture of me holding a guys hand and his hand on my leg in the car you'd go mental. I told you that I had trust issues and you just don't seem to care. You had fun while you were in New York but you're a big rock star and you're traveling the world and you can't be expected to just settle down with some ordinary girl from New York. I get it. I was delusional to think differently." She went to slam the door in my face but I put my hand up to stop it.

"If I saw you with another guy I would be going after him right now so I understand. I can't imagine how badly I've hurt you but you have to understand something. I've never been this serious with any girl. When I would hear your voice on the phone it literally made my heart hurt. I wanted to get on a plane and just fly back here to you each time I talked to you. I wanted to give everything up for you and so I stopped calling and texting and I just kept busy and went out at night and drank to just forget about how much it hurt to be away from you." I was pleading with her pretty much. I just needed her to understand how much she meant to me.

"That's not good enough Niall." She turned away for me but I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

Emma's POV

His lips were on mine before could stop him. He closed the door behind him and pushed me up against the wall. My arms instinctively wrapped around his next and I took a fistful of his hair in my hand and pulled. It felt impossible to break apart from him. He put his hand under my robe and ran his hand over my collarbone and up to my neck. He tipped my head back and started kissing and nibbling on my neck. I had literally never been more attracted to someone in my life. He ran his tongue around the outside of my ear and grazed my earlobe with his teeth. He whispered in my ear, "I love you Emma" and I knew it was all over, I was his.

He kissed my lips again running his tongue across my bottom lip. My lips parted slightly and our tongues touched. I bit his bottom lip and pulled slightly. He moaned when I did that. He put his hands on my bottom and lifted my up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried my into the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and told me if I was uncomfortable to just tell him to stop and he would. I nodded but knew there was no way I could tell him to stop. He kneeled on the bed and pulled his t-shirt off. He untied my robe with one hand and pulled one side back. He kissed my neck, right underneath my ear and slowly kissed down my collarbone and onto my breast. My whole body was burning up. I felt out of control but it felt amazing. He kissed down my stomach to my belly button and then stopped. He looked me straight I the eyes, tears welling up in his.

" I don't want to ruin this Em. You are the first girl I've ever loved and you're the only girl I ever want to be in love with. You are beautiful, smart, strong, confident and independent. It scares the hell out of me sometimes when I think about how strongly I feel for you. I'm afraid one day you're going to realize I'm just some immature 20 year old who still acts like an idiot half the time and you're going to say, what am I wasting my time for?"

I didn't know what to say to him to tell him how I felt so I showed him instead. I took my robe off, pushed him back on the bed and straddled him. I kissed him with more passion than I had ever kissed anyone. His hands were running up and down my back and I could feel him shaking. I planted kisses all the way down his bare chest and stomach. I stopped when I got to,the waistband of his sweatpants. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Niall, I want you to make love to me." He looked at me as if he were asking me if I was sure and I shook my head yes.

We spent the rest of the day making love to each other, cuddling and planning our future.

By Chance (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now