Chapter Five

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It was now late November, it was a week until Ludwig's birthday. Feli was going frantic over finding a writers book for him. He had looked in all the shops and stands but still didn't find anything. The last place he had to look were some antique shops along the town square.

Feli had looked at all except one with no luck, so he begged for there to be a writers notebook there. Feli walked into the shop and asked where the writing supplies would be, an older man pointed to a shelf near the back of the store. "There's one over there, young man. It's not too old though. It's 1921 now, and it belonged to a German soldier during the Great War. Not too useful, you can have it for free if you want." Feliciano beamed, "thank you!" Feli said, the older man got up from his seat and got the book for Feli, "thanks again!" Feli said as he walked out of the store. The older man waved back at him.


Feli wanted together Ludwig more than just a writers book, so he thought a camera would be a good idea too. Ludwig could take pictures of the things he writes about, why wouldn't Feli get a camera for him? Feli set out on a mission for a camera. Feli knew it wouldn't be free, so he had saved up as much money as possible, and went to go but a camera and some film. He wove through the crowds of people as his warm breath turned to steam in the chilly November air.

Feli walked into the shop he was looking for and was greeted by a middle aged woman. "How can I help you, young man?" She said, she was wearing a blue swing dress with a white cardigan. Her hair was short and dark brown. "Um, I-I- I would like to buy a camera." Feli squeaked. Feli handed the woman the money he had and she stared at it for a little bit. "It can buy you a camera and two rolls of film." She finally said. "Wow! Thank you!" Feli smiled. The woman leaned down "I'll give you a third roll of film for free." She smiled. Feli waited patiently while the woman was getting the camera, when she came back, Feli gasped. It was a rather large camera with brown leather. There was shiny black plastic on either side and it looked brand new. The woman gave him three rolls of film as well. "What are you buying a camera for?" The woman asked. "It's my friends birthday in a week." Feli replied. "That's very nice of you." She then said "you should probably get home, it's getting rather late." Feli looked up at the woman "thank you!" He then said, and walked out of the store.

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