Chapter Six

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Dear Ludwig,
              I really hope that you like your birthday presents. And I hope that they can help with your writing. I got you the camera so you can take pictures of the things you write about, and the writers journal has a few entries already written in them from the Great War. Anyways, I really hope that you like them.



Today was Ludwig's birthday and Feli was exited to give Ludwig his presents. Feli had gone to the "special spot" and put Ludwig's presents in the cottage already. But Feli wanted to make Ludwig a cake with candles too, because that's what you do on birthdays. So Feli made a chocolate cake with cheese frosting. Feli would have trouble carrying the cake so he was going to leave a note on Ludwig's door saying that he would be late. Feli was very busy making preparations.


        I will be a little late going to our spot today. Go without me.


Ludwig was a little perplexed by the note he found on his door, how could Feli be late on my birthday? He thought. But he decided to go along with it.
Today was abnormally warm, for November. Ludwig didn't give it too much thought and headed to the "special spot." He had brought a blanket for him and Feli to sit on, it was an old patchwork quilt that was given to him. It was from the Great War. It was made of all sorts of things, old towels, parts of military uniforms, old pieces of lace, satin, velvet, you name it.
Ludwig had also brought apple cake for him and Feli to eat, as well as some cans of food.
Where could Feli be? It's been twenty minutes already... Ludwig thought. But just as he finished thinking he heard a distant humming, he turned around to see his friend carrying a burlap sack. "Ludwig!" He called. Feli waved at Ludwig and Ludwig waved back.
Ludwig stood up to greet his friend, "hey Feli!" He said. Feli smiled back at him.
As soon as Feli got to the cottage, Ludwig asked what was in the burlap sack. Feli put a finger over his mouth, indicating that he wasn't going to say what it was. "Sshhhhhh. It's a surprise." Feli said. Ludwig raised an eyebrow. "I'll be right back." Feli said, and then walked around to the back of the cottage and came back with another burlap sack.
"Is it burlap sack day today?" Ludwig asked. "No, Ludwig. It's your birthday." Feli  then sat down on the quilt Ludwig brought and started to open the first burlap sack. He told Ludwig to turn around, and Ludwig turned around.
A few moments later Feli said that Ludwig could see what he had brought, and there was a chocolate cake sitting on a platter in the center of the quilt.
"Feli... Did you make this?" Ludwig asked, Feli nodded with pride.
"Was Roderich okay with this?" Ludwig asked again.
"Roderich helped me make it." Feli beamed.
Ludwig grinned, "we will have a lot of cake to eat, I brought cake too." Ludwig then pulled out the apple cake he brought as well as the cans.
"It's gonna be a birthday feast!" Italy said.


After eating all that cake, Ludwig felt really tired. But he lit up with excitement when Feli gave him the second burlap sack to open.
Ludwig carefully pulled out an envelope and opened it precisely along the line.
Ludwig read the birthday card Feliciano gave him, and beamed.
" bought me a camera?" Feliciano gave a nod of affirmation.
Ludwig reached into the sack and pulled out the beautiful leather camera, it was a brilliant shade of oak brown with plastic on either side that shined elegantly.
"Feli...thank you." Ludwig was about to cry, he had never received something so beautiful in his life.
Next, he pulled out three rolls of film, and put one into the camera.
Then, he pulled out a calligraphic pen and ink. And smiled.
Finally, he pulled out the writers journal, it was bound in dark brown leather with pockets on the inside.
Ludwig read all the entries, five pages of writing from a soldier fighting in the Great War.
Ludwig flipped through the journal again and again, he had never in his life felt so happy.
"Ludwig, let me take a picture of you on your birthday." Ludwig nodded, and handed the camera to Feli and the both stood up. Ludwig stood up very militantly, holding his writers notebook at his side, and Feli snapped the picture.
"Oh yeah," Feli said "the camera came with this." He held up a leather strap with hooks on either end, and fastened it to the camera.
"Wow." Ludwig gasped. "How am I ever going to make this up to you?"
"You don't have to," Feli replied "it's your birthday, it's just what friends do."
Ludwig smiled, this was the best birthday ever.


While they were walking home, Ludwig snapped a picture of Feli, he wanted to remember that Feli was the one that gave him these amazing gifts. Feli was his first best friend, and Ludwig wanted to keep it that way.


Once everyone in the house was asleep, Ludwig crawled out of bed and lit a candle.
He wanted to write about his amazing day, and how happy he was.

November 26, 1921
To my journal,
Today was my birthday and Feli and I celebrated by eating cake and lots of other food. Feli bought me a really nice camera. We took some pictures and ate lots of food. I read the previous journal entries in this book from the Great War and was happy that Feli gave me a little piece of history. I'm very happy today.

-Ludwig Beilschmidt

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